Total height increase 2-3 times to high

germangeo shared this problem 2 months ago

If you Do bycicle tours the amount of total height increase is interessting.

Since I Use am Google Pixel 7 pro, with its very good GNSS capabilities I get amouts, that are much to high. About 2...3 Times more , than realistic. Even if i correct the hight after the Tour with Locus special function it stays quite abmormal high. For instance a Tour of about 970hm Locus records as 2500hm afterwards corrected it becomes 1700hm.

What could I Do to avoid those failures?

Locus 3.70.11 in Android 14 on Google pixel 7 pro

Replies (11)


Hello germangeo,

could you please share your track recording, so I may verify and check expected values? Thanks.

Anyway, you have simply two options

  • enhance settings in the "Altitude manager", mainly increase filtering, enable usage of pressure sensor
  • use more precise offline elevation files. This may be done by manual downloading of Sonny's elevation 1'' files and placing them into Locus/data/srtm directory instead of the existing downloaded files. This may improve computed elevation when computed later manually or when using "Replace GPS values" in the Altitude manager.

Hope this helps. We have also some more info about it in our Locus Map 4 manual, but the option to specify a custom threshold is not available in the Classic version.


Hi Menion, thank you 4 your reply! I send you one of my gpx files, where Locus said about 2500hm,after correction 1534hm, Strava said 989hm and komoot 920hm.

I think the truth lies AT about 970hm.


do you have the altitude data from Sonny ? 1” Lidar

and you should adjust your settings.


Altitude threshold is not changeable in Locus 3.x, as Menion mentioned above


But the other settings. Have you adjusted them? And do you have the exact LIDAR altitude data


Thanks for the shared track. I'm testing it by importing into Locus Map 4. Result is 1326m (you may easily test it also on the web ). After correction by "Update elevation" with offline elevation files downloaded directly over the app, I get 1166m. With 1'' data from Sonny (as mentioned by me and freischneider), you will probably get a little less, so closer to what you expect.

Anyway to be correct, I'm testing import also into Locus Classic and here I get identical 1327m uphill elevation and 1534m after correction, so here it is same as you. It has been more than 3 years since Locus Classic is only in the maintanance mode and difference between apps is bigger and bigger. Problem here is that Locus Classic does not use mentioned "Threshold" parametr and with less precise offline elevation files, you see that it makes quite a difference.

So sorry, hard to help here. I may really suggest downloading 1'' data from Sonny and using them, this may help a lot in this case I believe. Thanks for understanding.


Hi germangeo,

First of all: I think this is a very scenic bike-tour around the reservoir-lake and its huge dam :-)

Second: Because of its the route's characteristics (very hilly, slopy terrain around most of the track, the track also crosses a dam with a huge elevation difference of its adjacent water levels...) it's quite difficult for devices and software to calculate the "correct" elevation sum of the track. On the other hand a good example to test quality and features of them.

What is relevant here:

1) horizontal accuracy of the track, beacause horizontal deviations due to bad GPS-reception would result in relevant vertical elevation deviations due to the slopy terrain. But what I saw, your track's horizontal quality is quite good for a GPS-created track - hardly any zig-zag's or greater differences to the OSM-pathes there.

2) vertical accuracy of the track: I'm not quite sure since I think you used a mixture of device elevation and correction by locus' elevation files, what is probably not ideal in your case. Since you're using a barometric device, which is ideal: Just use elevation created by the barometric sensor of your phone. Or second solution: Download Sonny 1" elevation files and completely replace your elevation values using them afterwards by "More > Update elevation"

3) Altitude threshold (TH): Because 1) and 2) are quite in good in your case but there are still some deviations cause of the slopy terrain, I'd recommend a TH of 5 m (LM3 uses an unchangeable TH of about 3 m which will lead to slighly too high sums in this terrain surroundings)

Finally the elevation sums in detail:

a) Original values: 1531 m (TH 3m), 1330 m (TH 5m)

b) Updated with Sonny 1" in Locus Classic: 1168 m (TH 3m), (TH 5m: 1040 m) (interestingly my values are very different to Menions' who used Locus classic: Maybe Menion used the same altitude source as you used in your original track, probably SRTM 3" ? )

There are still some slight uncertainties in the track with updated Sonny-data (e.g. crossing of dam is not 0m, some points where you drove close to a slope and returned afterwards...). So I think all in all the "real" sum should be close to 1000 m.

I'm not sure what elevation models and TH Strava and Komoot are using, but I think it's a bit of coincidence that there sums are quite ok here. I'm sure there are other type of routes, e.g. hiking routes in the mountains where they are more off than Locus.


@Sonny. I am not shure, witch height model I use, I use in LM3 the download button in the maps upper right corner. Is this TH 3?


Yes, it is a 3'' model provided directly by the app (downloaded from our servers). The app itself does not provide 1'' data so these elevation files have to be downloaded manually.


A trick for geeks to create tracks with 2 Thresholds (3m and 5m) using Locus classic which is not able to change threshold:

TH 3m: just use "update elevation" during import or afterwards via "More > Update elevation" (resulting in 1168 m here)

TH 5m:
a) first import original-track and "update elevation" to set correct elevation values.
b) export the track
c) re-import the EXPORTED track WITHOUT "update elevation" => Locus imports it with TH 5m (resulting in 1027 m here)


Heh, Sonny ... nice hack. You are correct. App sets the default threshold to 5 if the source of altitude data is unknown ... and this happens during the import of basic GPX. Nice :)

This brings me to the idea, that the threshold should be also exported/imported over GPX, hmm ...


@sonny: could'n you be so kind, to offer a map showing the hgt file raster, where users can click on an single tile in the map, an get the file (-link) directly?

I am a surveyor and a kind of IT-insider but on my phone I did not find any way to download one of your zipped hgt-files nor was I able to unzip it. The way you present your singely zipped hgt-files was unfortunately not really usable. I can understand, tah you offer the via google drive, but as I wrote,on modern security aware OSes you find hardly a way to load them to menions strm-folder.

You go to all the trouble of creating the hgt files, but if a lot of people are like me, hardly anyone will be able to use them. In my opinion, it would be best if companies like menion locus-team could or would integrate your files into their applications. I had suggested that in this thread, in Locus you should be able to optionally choose whether to download the 3" or your 1" elevation files using the hgt download button in the top right of the map.


@Menion: I know, you are just offering critical bugfixes to LM3 anymore ;-)

But maybe this is a "critical" one for many users: The "Update elevation" feature within a tracks' import dialog isn't working, it isnt't changing elevation values. As you know, many of Locus' users rely on useful elevation values and -sums. This is not the case if elevations aren't updated - although they think they did - cause they activated the follwing checkbox. In the track dicussed here there's a difference of 1531m => 1168m



Thanx 2 Sonny. In will Check that out later. If you like, I attach 2 more very scenic gpx files which may be hight increase relevant too.


@Sonny, thanks for detailed description. I appology, I was little lazy to describe all in such details, so thanks.

Yes, I use only 3'' in the support (and also in the field), so I use what most of users use.

Problem with "Update elevation" > ah, older problem already solved in Locus Map 4 and not in Classic. Thanks, fixed (next version).


Very cool, thanks a lot for the hotfix even in Locus classic Menion! :-)


What does the Threshold particularily do?


It is a pretty simple algorithm, nicely described on this site: . Check "Reducing vertical noise" section.


Very good und understandable explanation including graphics. Maybe something to link for Locus' manual? ;-)


Why not. @Michal Stupka , does it make sense? Thanks


You won't believe how complicated it is to copy files into Menion's srtm directory on Android 14!

In addition, there is unfortunately the not inconsiderable effort of finding the right hgt-1" files for more than 2 to 3 of Sonny's individually zipped files, unzipping them individually, transferring them from the PC to the Pixel and copying them to the right directory (see above).

Unfortunately, the success is also moderate. Reduced the Total height increase of my Hohenwartestausee-gpx from 1800m to ca. 1500m

Not that I want to criticize you in any way, please don't think that. I've had Locus map from the beginning, ever since locus was launched.

@menion Couldn't you add an option where the user can decide whether they want to download 3" or 1" hgt using the button in the locus map (top right)? That would make it much easier.

Just for Germany @Sonny offers 70 individually zipped hgt files. Even Ghisler's Total Commender gives up here, no chance of unzipping them all at once. :-)

By the way total commander on Android 14 @ the Google Pixel Phone is forbidden by google to copy files to android/data/.... You have to use googles file app, that ist awsome....


Trust me, I believe. We have fought with this for the last three years ... anyway over PC, it should not be so big problem.

The offer of 1'' files was already discussed with our team, but it is not as easy as it looks, so it will take some time (other priorities).


@Menion: Wouldn't it be a smart idee to move the "SRTM"-folder into android/media-Folder too, like the map-Folders? Elevation files are nowadays files which could be downloaded by the user from different sources and different resolution of his choice (Sonny, Viewfinder, SRTM, 1", 3"...) and where the user is responible to copy them into Locus' elevation folder. The same behaviour like a user does with with map-files. This would solve all problems regarding handling of elevation files on modern phones.

@germangeo: Right now you have to use a PC to download/unpack/move elevation files to locus on a modern phone like yours. On a PC you can choose a ZiP-software of your choice to unpack the files with one click, I reommmend "WinRar". And: most people download the files of the whole country (Germany 1"), rather than picking just one file from Google Drive


@Sonny it is already possible to move WHOLE "locus" directory into "android/media", that is the best solution for users, who want to deal with app files directly.


@Menion: Is this also true for Locus classic?


No, sorry. This is a lot above the "maintenance" mode of the Locus Classic.


Thats a pitty 😪

But I can understand. You want LM3 users to migrate to LM4. 🥲

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