[DE] Import von Bildern auf iOS

John Brabalat shared this question 6 months ago


nachdem ich auf meinem Android etliche Bilder zu meinen Routen und Punkten gemacht habe, möchte ich diese nun auf mein Iphone importieren. Routen und Punkte geht problemlos. Wie aber kann ich die Bilder in iOS importieren, sodass sie in Locus Karte angezeigt werden?


Replies (1)


Hi John,

we are sorry but at the moment, it is not possible to synchronize attachments to routes and points between devices. We are working on the solution though but it will take some time until it is done.

An immediate solution is possible for the points only but it can be quite laborious, especially if you have many points:

- connect your Android phone to a PC and copy your Locus point photos to it - you'll find them in /locus/data/media/photo directory

- copy the photos to your iCloud

- re-attach the photos to the points in your iPhone Locus Map LITE

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