Horizontal Accuracy of GPS

Raheem shared this question 30 days ago

I used Locus Map on my Phone to take some coordinates, I'm worried about the horizontal accuracy of the map. Does anyone have an idea of the horizontal accuracy? Does it depend on my Phone?

Replies (2)


Hi Raheem,

the accuracy of GPS displayed in Locus Map (or in any other app) depends on your phone's GNSS chip. The average real phone's accuracy is around 5-10 m (despite Locus Map indicating a better one). To improve the accuracy, use a dedicated external GNSS antenna connected to Locus Map via Bluetooth or USB.


*a little off topic* I find horizontal accuracy spectacularly good - +/-5m. More interesting/ sad is the vertical accuracy. My previous 2 phones had a pressure sensor but the latest just relies on GNSS, and even with heavy altitude filtering, and "optimize GPS values", when I compare a new recorded track on the same route as with old tracks, the latter has far more "noise"/ jitter, but no way around that.


The way around that is to replace the GPS values with the offline elevation data - it's without noise or jitter.


Thanks Michal. Pretty sure I've tested in the (long) past. The HGT files are on a 30x40m grid right? So not going to be accurate when there are steep slopes near the track. As I said I already have "optimize GPS values" & thought from many forum discussions this was supposed to be best compromise of calculated elevation & offline elevation?


Of course, you're right, the HGT files solution is pretty generalized, especially out of Europe (here we have data with 1' accuracy). But it removes the noise problem. We're looking for a source of more accurate HGT files also for the rest of the world though.

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