recording and navigating icon

Waldemar Wawoczny shared this question 17 days ago

I once reported that during navigation, when I went off-road, instead of the cursor there was an invisible point.

At that time I was using Locus icon set: gynta_red_color.

The problem was solved: in navigation there was a blue cursor, for recording red, when I was on the route the red was hidden under blue, but when I was off-road I saw two cursors. It was OK,
until the last update 4.26.1.
Again the point is displayed instead of the cursor, but it is even worse, because there is a red fan attached to it, which vibrates like crazy, and I do not know what it does. For me it is only distracting and has a negative effect on the cyclist.

I would like the previous solution.

I think that a good practice (as it is done in other applications) would be to mark new functions with a red dot, which disappears when we activate a given function, an option with it. We do not always read change reports to learn about updates and you are not always up to date with changes to the website.

Replies (5)


Hi Waldek,

- I've set gynta_red_color cursor set

- I started track recording

- started navigation to a destination - the blue navigation cursor covers the "gynta" cursor

- deviated from the course - the "gynta" cursor indicates my location, the navigation cursor disappeared

- "Again the point is displayed instead of the cursor, but it is even worse, because there is a red fan attached to it, which vibrates like crazy" - nothing like this is happening, see

- is there anything I omitted during the simulation?



1) I'm attaching the file "pict0" from my last ride.

2) in the black circle you can see the navigation cursor and the red fan,

which is constantly spinning, vibrating. It really raises my blood pressure.

3) for this case the recording cursor has already disappeared (red) and there is only a point with a fan again.

4) But: when there is only recording without navigation - there is the red_gynt cursor and that annoying red fan (pict01).

I'm looking for options because maybe I highlighted something, but I didn't find it.



The "red fan" is the "show view" indicator, pointing in the direction the phone is oriented, according to the phone's HW compass. When mounted on handlebars or in the presence of a magnet (magnetic clip, a case with magnetic closing), it malfunctions due to interference.

To get rid of this, turn the show view OFF either in the content panel or in settings > maps > auxiliary graphics:



great, it worked, thanks for the help.


Danke! Ich hoffe, auch die V3 erhält dieses.

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