improvement ideas for track > sharing > image & stats

Georg D shared this idea 14 days ago
Gathering feedback

When a track is opend, the share menu contains "image & stats" since some months. I like to use that for title image in photo gallery and to share in social media to let others see what I did – and came again and again over the same improvement ideas, based on what I saw other people share with their apps. To better understand them, an example image:


  1. Make track title much more often fit in 1 line. Place the title as first line, i.e. swap activity type & title, so activity type and app's logo are one line, and the title has full image with available. If title is still too long, scale text size down so it fits into one line – only if it becomes less than e.g. 133% the track description's size, wrap it over more lines.
  2. In menu, allow to toggle track description on/off – independant of statistics.
  3. Move track description into table's left column, so it does not shift statistics down until they are cut (as in example image) and/or out of screen – this happens even for lore ipsum with 446 chars which is that much, e.g. even many Mastodon instances allow more.
  4. Place chart with fixed margin from bottom so it is not shifted down by track description until it's cut (as in example image) and/or out of screen. If text reaches into table cell of chart, cut text until it fits and add suffix "[...]" so one becomes aware text was cut.
  5. Allow to enter a text that appears instead of track description, and inititally fill that text with track description and statistics. Background: For a track, I do usually note who was involved, whether, approach, path conditions, events, what I disliked & liked (views etc.) in description – but only parts of that is relevant for others. As it is much quicker to delete than enter text, I'd love to have track description and statistics as a base – which may be cleaned by one tap on an X or trash icon.
  6. If it's easy to implement, allow to toggle track's waypoints on/off in the map and chart. Often, they have a significant meaning, so a possibility to reference them in the textual description also when "custom background" instead "map background" (there, waypoints are rendered) is used would be nice. Sometimes, I use track waypoints for OSM mapping, thus a track is scattered with waypoints that are of no relevance to others, hence, I'd like to hide them.
  7. Make the picture bigger. 1200x1200 pixels is exceeded by many computer monitors, TVs and smartphones, so depending on display software, image is either scaled up (visibly lower quality than scaling down) or not full screen but with black borders around image.
  8. Save in JPEG instead PNG. That reduces file size by 75% and mobile network speed is especially limited where Locus is mostly used: outdoors in mountains, canyons, rural areas,...
  9. If it is easy to implement, e.g. because an underlaying library ships such a function, allow to do a rectangular selection on "cutsom background" of what shall become visible. In example image, the dead tree's top is cut – I'd like to have it in the picture. I would slightly prefer that the sharing image dimension's ratio simply follows the selection's ratio (e.g. 9:16 instead of 1:1) than to have always 1:1 with a black background left & right xor above & below the selection.

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