Locus Classic 3.70.12, start up problem

Roeland Kiewiet shared this problem 4 days ago

When I open Locus Maps classic on my phone it immediately stops. The phone give a message: 'Locus Maps stops all rhe time' ('Locus Maps stopt steeds' in Dutch). I removed Locus Maps an reinstalled it. I restarted the phone.

It does not help.

Best Answer

Good news, the new version has been confirmed and is available as a regular update on Google Play.

As someone wrote to me on support: "Shit happens". Similar problems already happened during 15 years of the Locus project, but I was usually able to fix it at night and an hour or two later fixed version was available for download over Google Play, so not a big global problem. Now it took more than 24 hours till the fixed version was available and this was a problem!

Don't get me wrong > the main problem was my laziness in testing the version properly before release > sorry again. I'll be more careful next time of course!

Replies (11)



we are very sorry. The corrected version has been uploaded to Google Play and currently awaits verification before it can be released.

In case, you do not want to wait till the app is available for download, you can install the APK file manually from our Google Drive here.

Once again, we are very sorry for this.


Okay, thanks. Glad to read that I can wait some days and then it should work again.

But I feel confirmed that I do only manual updates for Locus and stop updating a few weeks before I go out to a cycling vacation (had that problem a few years ago that just some days before vacation a performance bug drained the battery). ;-)


Same for me, It happened after the update of the App to 3.70.12.
I also tried to clear cache and the clear cache+data, and restart the phone, but no luck, ap still crashes/closes immediatly after start.
I use a samsung galaxy S21 with Android 14 OneUI6.1 (Security patch+Google play update 1.sept.24), Kernel 5.4.242-28575149 from 1 Aug 24


Same here, crash on my phone, imm on startup. So I downloaded the ClassicLocus APK version dot13 from your Drive and installed it on a tablet, so an update from dot11 to dot13. That worked fine and Locus Classic starts up as usual. Now I have to fix my phone still, as I reinstalled all. This was quite a scare, with my database of thousands of waypoints... But tnx for the quick fix, as usual.


The same issue. Xiaomi Notes 8 Pro


Stejný problém. Samsung Galaxy A33.

Vyřešil jsem manuální instalací verze 3.70.13 z tohoto umístění:


Perfect, you are welcome. It was a quick fix, unfortunately, Google is for an unknown reason blocking quick release to the public ... damn.


Just updated Locus Map Classic... then freaked out when it would no longer run "Locus Map Classic keeps stopping".

I keep my whole GPS life in the app... now feeling calmer as you're on the case!
I'll wait for Google Play version to be updated as I'm not sure which of the 2 Google Play versions I should be downloading.

Thanks :)


Pick up the basic "ClassicGooglePlay_3.70.13_1131_release.apk" version.

Do not know why it took so long, now when it is so crucialf1fbc93964b790a0b90fe46033d21531. It looks like they do verification manually now and they have a free weekend ...


Downloaded and installed... all working fine again... phew!

Thank you for your quick response... enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)


Good news, the new version has been confirmed and is available as a regular update on Google Play.

As someone wrote to me on support: "Shit happens". Similar problems already happened during 15 years of the Locus project, but I was usually able to fix it at night and an hour or two later fixed version was available for download over Google Play, so not a big global problem. Now it took more than 24 hours till the fixed version was available and this was a problem!

Don't get me wrong > the main problem was my laziness in testing the version properly before release > sorry again. I'll be more careful next time of course!


Update was found and works, thanks.



the app doesn't crash any more on startup, but for me it still crashes when I open the "Locus Map Pro" app on my watch (Galaxy Watch 3). After opening the app on the phone, it takes about 5s and then Locus classic on my phone crashes. The app on my watch just says that it can't connect to the phone app.



We are very grateful for all the efforts you put to make Locus better.

And yes shit happens, only poeple achieving goals can make mistakes. Do not think too long about that, as long as the sum of your actions is positive, at the end all is good.

And if it was not good for a moment, it was not the end. I love Locus.


The speed of the fix builds trust and gives a good feeling for me as a user.
(although I will remember to ensure auto-updates are off when needed ;) )

I bought a few LoCoins (without the intend to spend them), hopefully after taxes they pay for a beer or coffee.


Ciao, a causa del blocco di Locus, ho fatto casino e non riesco più a vedere le mie tracce.

Hai qualche consiglio in merito?

Grazie per l'aiuto.

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