Restore from settings backup destroys custom directory paths

Michael Bechtold shared this problem 4 months ago
Not a Problem

Hi Menion, once in a while I forget to exclude LM4 from Android updates, which leads to the non-AFA-Version starting from scratch - my fault. Now, uninstall LM4, install AFA, which recognizes the existing /Locus folder. So far so good.

However, what I do not understand is why all settings are gone. Can you pls. explain, maybe fix?

Not too big a problem, though, I have backups, and restore workd nicely for layouts, map manager etc.. BUT not for custom folders like mapsVector, SRTM and backup. The paths include weird additional, redundant information and as a consequence the restore fails those settings.

Pls. see attached.: one is the issue screenshot, the other where I have 2 out of 3 fixed, i.e. how it has been before my update handling error, and then after my manual corrections.

TXs and cheers


Replies (2)


Hello Michael,

firstly ... "non-AFA-Version starting from scratch" > you mean the file structure right? Then simple install of the AFA (no need to uninstall none-AFA version, simple update!!) + switch in the app settings without moving folder should quickly fix it (under three dots next to the option you want to select).

Paths in the backup > there is a problem, that these paths are internally stored as some unique ID values. And the fact it works is because these ID are registered in the system as "Allowed for Locus Map". With un-install, this record is lost and restoration of the backup on the new install can't restore these records in the system.

The solution is really not to un-install before updating to the AFA version.


Hello Menion,

TXs for the great news - this is so much easier :-)



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