public transport

hi_ulm shared this question 7 days ago


By chance I noticed some days ago that in Locus Map you can see the public transport stops on a map. Please add this feature in Locus Map Classic, too! It is really great in a foreign town to see where you can get away

With kind regards

K.H. Hoffmann

Replies (6)


That's already possible. You have it in the map. You can show and hide them on OAM maps. There are also WMS maps where you can use them as an overlay. As far as I know, this is also possible with Classic.
But everything that doesn't work is not added. The development of Classic was stopped years ago. It is now only in maintenance mode. That means only bugs are being fixed. But even that will end at some point.
Therefore I recommend switching to Locus Map 4. It is much better and represents the future. You get silver for free for one year. But you can go back to classic at any time.

Translated with (free version)


You are right, OAM can display public transport in both versions, if (!!) you use the Elevate/Elements theme



where exactly are the public transport stops not visible? I can see them quite clearly in LoMaps with the default hike/bike theme too:

e4a66bc69da8dbb60c4185beff51d1d6 365b686c890bbe2d8dafc6773112c9fc



I see them in Locus Map too, but not in Locus Map >Classic< and I am familiar with that old version. But Locus Map told that my version is no longer completely supported. I think I will have to get used to the new version ...


Locus Map Classic supports displaying public transport stops, as you can see on my screenshots. Update your LMClassic to the latest version and update your LoMap too.


The picture of Michael is the old version. But it makes sense to look at the new one. Because the old one will be completely abandoned at some point. The new one can already do so much more. And you can even get silver for a year with the old Pro.



ok, finally I see the stops now.

The reason why i did not see them although I have the newest LMclassic Version (per autoupdate) and the newest Map:

the new Map was loaded into the internal folder - but I use a SD-Card folder for my maps, so I still saw an old map.

Thank you for your screenshots, otherwise I would not have continued to search the reason!

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