How can I influence the time of the auto-update?

balloni55 shared this problem 4 months ago
Not a Problem

My WIFI is switched off at night from 10 pm to 6 am.

Locus starts the autoupdate with the attempt to upload it to GD usually between 4 am and 5 am and I get a corresponding error message

Replies (3)


Hi Wolfgang,

at the moment, it is not possible to manually set the automatic backup time. Locus Map triggers the process whenever it is not actively used which is, usually, in the middle of the night. Anyway, we are willing to revise the behavior next year.


Hi Michal

thanks, i´ll wait patiently ;-))

My idea, only start the backup when a wifi connection is available


Hello balloni,

problem is that "local backup" and upload to the cloud are connected to a single task. And you want to create a local backup always, no matter if the internet is available. The correct solution is to split these tasks and this is not as simple as it may looks ... for now. Thanks for understanding. Anyway good point!

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