Auto-termination or warning-notification to avoid battery drain

Sonny shared this idea 4 months ago
Gathering feedback

Yesterday a friend whined about her phone's battery drain is quite high the last days. So I checked phone's battery tool and saw that Locus (Classic) is responsible for most of the drain - although she said she didn't use Locus duriong the last days. So I opend Locus - and voila: Guidance and hence GPS has been still on all the time.
Since I'm also using the settings: "Keep GPS on for guidance" (as well as for track recording), and I sometimes forgot to stop guidance/tracking after closing Locus:

2 ideas to avoid such unwanted battery drains caused by Locus' GPS constantly active:
- let the user define a certain time-period after that Locus terminates all GPS-consuming services like guidance or tracking (e.g. 12 h) - of course save recorded track before.
- or open a popup notification window and ask the user if he still wants Locus' guidance/tracking to be active. And if user clicks onto "no": terminate them

Replies (2)


Hello Sonny,

isn't Locus Mao in case of active guidance/track recording still visible in the system bar as active app? I've not verified it now for the guidance, but if not, it is definitelly a bug.


Yes, the icon "GPS-Location" is showing in both cases. I think we turned off the "Locus" icon in the info bar. And even if Locus-icon would be turned on, the following similar problems would occur to "technically-not-so-trained users" ;-)

In my observations, there are 2 problems with this:
Many people either dont' know what this icon means and that this icon also means constant battery-drain. They just think this is some "info"-icon without any negative effects.
And further this icon often opens, e.g. if using Navi or other apps which using GPS-location, even Google-app. So it's not always clear without further recherche that Locus is the app which keeps GPS-icon turned on.

So in my mind the idea(s) posted above would additionaly prevent Locus users from unwanted battery drain.

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