The path to: "points\tracks" may be shorter.

40° shared this problem 3 months ago

Using the "Screen Contents" button, you can quickly navigate to points or tracks.
When I click on the left tracks icon, I expect the tracks panel to open. When I click on the left "dots" icon, I expect the "dots" panel to open.

But this is not happening. The "My Library" dialog opens with the active panel that was used earlier.

As a result, instead of two clicks, you often have to use three clicks. The convenience of the user interface in this place, in my understanding, can be improved by minor changes to the program. :-)

- Two clicks to get to the object is better than three.
- 75% of the map area is always better than 60%.

Replies (2)


I cannot confirm this. My tracks are always listed when I click on "Tracks" and my points are always listed when I click on "Points". No matter what was open before.


I have version 4.26.3 ("..\versions\Locus Map, 4.26 (2024 09)\MapGooglePlayAfa_4.26.3_1148_release.apk" )


I checked it on another phone. everything is working correctly. most likely, the reason is in my phone (Android 7).

the question can be closed.


Hello guys,

in the version with the new My Library system (planned on Q1 of the next year), there will no longer be a points & tracks separation.

So even if there was any problem, it will be no longer valid.

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