LoMaps usage: country vs regional maps and download process

ati shared this question 3 months ago

I have two questions that I couldn't find answers to online. Information: I have been a "Gold Member" of Locus Maps for a long time and exclusively use offline LoMaps for my outdoor activities. My first question is regarding the effective use of country maps, such as Germany. Do I gain any additional information by downloading and using regional maps like "Schleswig-Holstein" or Hamburg, or is all the information already included in the overarching country map? I am specifically referring to the LoMaps.I need your feedback on this to optimize the downloading and usage of the maps.

My second question is: Why do I always have to download elevation data and offline navigation data separately? I would prefer a simplified process where I can just say yes to downloading everything at once! There have been instances where the "Offline Routing Data" was not available because it was forgotten during the download, which prevented me from using this function outdoors.

Thanks for your help !

Replies (1)



1) all LoMaps are rendered from one common source - OSM database. So, the regional and whole-country maps contain the same level of detail. The only difference, and the reason why we offer both whole countries and regions, is the size. For a foreign tourist visiting e.g. Oberstdorf for a week, it is useless to download a whole half of Germany - just Bayern will do. For a German citizen living in München who likes to travel across half the country up to Düsseldorf, having the whole Germany South map is useful.

2) the division of the map, elevation and routing data sets has a few reasons:

- features using offline elevation data are only available to Premium users. Users of the basic free version of the app wouldn't make use of the data.

- offline LoRouter is only available to Premium Gold users. Users of the free and Premium Silver wouldn't make use of the data.
Anyway, we realize the current solution is quite inconvenient for Premium Gold users so we are trying to make up something better.

As for the routing data - you have to download it manually only once. Updates are downloaded automatically, see https://docs.locusmap.app/doku.php?id=manual:faq:how_to_navigate_offline#lorouter_offline

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