[DE] basemap.at lädt nicht mehr
Not a Problem
Leider laden die Offlinkarten von basemap.at im Locus Map Classic nicht mehr.
Eventuell eine Umstellung der Schnittstelle?
Leider laden die Offlinkarten von basemap.at im Locus Map Classic nicht mehr.
Eventuell eine Umstellung der Schnittstelle?
Hi Gerhart,
the Basemaps will be reinstated in the next app version coming soon (probably this week)
Hi Gerhart,
the Basemaps will be reinstated in the next app version coming soon (probably this week)
Hi Michael!
Sorry, but the Basemap.at satellite view still doesn't work for me :-(
Hi Michael!
Sorry, but the Basemap.at satellite view still doesn't work for me :-(
A new version of Locus Map 3 Classic is planned for February.
A new version of Locus Map 3 Classic is planned for February.
I've the same problem
VERSION 3.70.15
The new path for basmap is documented in https://cdn.basemap.at/basemap.at_URL_Umstellung_2023.pdf
I've the same problem
VERSION 3.70.15
The new path for basmap is documented in https://cdn.basemap.at/basemap.at_URL_Umstellung_2023.pdf
Hi, during the reinstatetement, please also think about offering "Basemap.at Grau" https://basemap.at/en/grau/ which is a Topo-map incl. contour lines, thanks!
Hi, during the reinstatetement, please also think about offering "Basemap.at Grau" https://basemap.at/en/grau/ which is a Topo-map incl. contour lines, thanks!
Hi all,
as Locus Map 3 Classic is entering the last year of its existence, the only major issues disabling the use of the app are to be fixed in it. In Locus Map 4, the Basemap issue was fixed long ago. In LM Classic, it is not known when this issue will be repaired as it is not considered vital.
@Sonny: you can add the "Grau" map as a WMTS source:
Hi all,
as Locus Map 3 Classic is entering the last year of its existence, the only major issues disabling the use of the app are to be fixed in it. In Locus Map 4, the Basemap issue was fixed long ago. In LM Classic, it is not known when this issue will be repaired as it is not considered vital.
@Sonny: you can add the "Grau" map as a WMTS source:
Hi, I know of adding custom maps. But my suggestion is, that you add style "Grau" to the other 2 basemap.at styles within Locus-shop. This would make it easy for most user to get this map-style. On the other side Just a minority of "Techy"-users are into custom maps or adding maps by their URL-sheme ;-)
Hi, I know of adding custom maps. But my suggestion is, that you add style "Grau" to the other 2 basemap.at styles within Locus-shop. This would make it easy for most user to get this map-style. On the other side Just a minority of "Techy"-users are into custom maps or adding maps by their URL-sheme ;-)
As this is an LM3 topic, I would recommend opening a new one for LM4.
As this is an LM3 topic, I would recommend opening a new one for LM4.
I've installed LM4. The basemap.at is not available there.
Basemap.at is an open data project that serves lot of maps and even orthophotos.
Orthophoto Austria is an orthophoto service from geoland.at, offered as a Web Map Tile Service within basemap.at. It is a pre-generated tile cache in the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere and thus compatible with common global basemaps such as those from OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing.
Look at following link to find the technical description for the implementation of
OpenGIS Web Map Tile Service 1.0.0 (WMTS)
(German version)
(English translation)
The locus classic served this, but the service changed the url-syntax, so an update is needed.
I've installed LM4. The basemap.at is not available there.
Basemap.at is an open data project that serves lot of maps and even orthophotos.
Orthophoto Austria is an orthophoto service from geoland.at, offered as a Web Map Tile Service within basemap.at. It is a pre-generated tile cache in the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere and thus compatible with common global basemaps such as those from OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing.
Look at following link to find the technical description for the implementation of
OpenGIS Web Map Tile Service 1.0.0 (WMTS)
(German version)
(English translation)
The locus classic served this, but the service changed the url-syntax, so an update is needed.
@ThomasF : You've to install it via "Menu > Locus Store > Maps > Europe > Austria > basemap.at - Standard or Satellite"
@LocusTeam: As asked above, please think about adding 3rd map style "basemap.at Grau" in Locus Store too, thanks!
@ThomasF : You've to install it via "Menu > Locus Store > Maps > Europe > Austria > basemap.at - Standard or Satellite"
@LocusTeam: As asked above, please think about adding 3rd map style "basemap.at Grau" in Locus Store too, thanks!
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