Some issues (bugs, observations, requests)

Wolfgang Schubert shared this question 3 months ago

Dear all at Locusmap,

I found some issues:

1.) The "Search" functionality is no longer working: if you search for a track/route or point and click on one of the search results that track/route or point will no longer open. What happens is that the menu will be reopened where you clicked on the magnifying glass,...

2.) In the English version the term "Distance" is used inconsistently under "Sort by": in points "Distance" means the sorting by distance of points from the map centre, in tracks and routes it means sorting by the length of the route or track. For sorting by the distance of a track or route from the map centre the term "Nearest" is used. Just replace "Distance" by "Nearest" in points and probably "Distance" by "Length" in tracks and routes...

3.) Some annoying behaviour observed on my smart watch: when I approach an intersection on a hiking trail I tilt my smart watch to turn the display on. The map will show and jump immediately to the current GPS position so I can easily check which way to continue. So far so good but sometimes the map is zoomed out automatically when the display turns on and I cannot see any details on the map. After waiting some seconds the zoom jumps back to the original zoom factor. I have no idea under which conditions this happens and how to avoid this unnecessary zooming.

4.) How can the map be locked to "North Up" in the Android app? When I zoom or pan the map quite often rotates unintentionally which is rather confusing when you think that it is in "North Up" orientation. What is also a bit annoying is that after clicking on the little icon that shows up when the map is no longer in "North Up" position the map starts revolving sometimes 3..5 times before it snaps back into "North Up". This takes some seconds. I would like to have a feature that, once enabled, prevents any intentional or unintentional map rotation...

Best Regards

Wolfgang Schubert

Replies (3)


Hello Wolfgang,

I assume you are talking about version 4.27.1.

1. I can confirm this bug, but only for the search in points. The search in tracks works correctly for me.

2. you are right, this is inconsistent.

3. as I don't use a smart watch, I can't say anything about this.

4. hmm, if the small compass rose above the map centering button is hidden, there should be no rotation. Unfortunately, it is easy to activate the compass rose unintentionally if you accidentally touch the map centering button briefly. I had already criticised this. However, I can re-orientate the map to north directly without any unnecessary rotation.



thanks for the quick answer.

1.) I'm pretty sure that the same problem existed for tracks in one of the previous versions but you are right - for tracks it was apparently fixed.

4.) It was not clear to me that the compass rose appears once you click the map centering button. Thanks for that hint.

Best Regards

Wolfgang Schubert



1) confirmed, forwarded to the devs for a fix. EDIT: issue postponed - will be fixed when the next-gen Library (MyLibV2) is released in February

2) confirmed, implemented in the latest MyLibV2 beta versions

3) make sure both Locus Map and Locus Map Watch on the phone are excluded from all means of battery optimization, both have "all-time" location access permission and Locusd Map has permission to access nearby devices (more at

4) go to Locus settings > controlling > map screen > activate "Simple multi-touch"


Hi Michael S. - so the search in points will not be possible until at least February? This function is not entirely unimportant, and it would be very welcome if it were fixed as soon as possible. Please.


OK, fixed, please wait for the bugfix version. it's coming soon hopefully.


Great, thanks!

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