Web planner: wordings in LoPoint pane
In the browser view of LoPoints, for example https://web.locusmap.app/poi/4540375 DE translation
- "Einzelheit" is odd, "Details" would be much better.
- "Links & Kontakt" (singular can be about a person but also about contact possibilities) would be semantically better than "Links & Kontakte" (plural is only about people).
- After pressing Teilen (Share), "Teileden Punkt mitdeinen Freunden über den folgenden Link:" has spaces at the wrong places, correct "Teile den Punkt mit deinen Freunden über den folgenden Link:"
- After clicking "Speichern" (save),
"Speichere Punkt in meiner Bibliothek und syncronisiere diesen mit dem Mobilgerät. Leider kann der Punkt nicht in einer leeren Bibliothek gespeichert werden. Synchronisiere ihn zuerst mit Locus Map auf deinem Handy und versuchen es erneut."
is inconsistent: either mine or your. IMHO your is better suited for that context, that would be
"Speichere Punkt in deiner Bibliothek und syncronisiere diesen mit dem Mobilgerät. Leider kann der Punkt nicht in einer leeren Bibliothek gespeichert werden. Synchronisiere ihn zuerst mit Locus Map auf deinem Handy und versuchen es erneut." - "Schließen" is hiding the LoPoint titleand shall be places a little more below (i.e. next to "Café")
Maybe you still have write access to https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/google-reviews-of-restaurants and can leave a hint taht LoIpoints with reviews & photos are available – then, it does not make the false impression Locus has no such feature 😉
Hi Georg,
sorry for the late response, I found this topic by accident - the notification obviously didn't work. Thanks for the ideas - I can implement them. Nevertheless, all Locus Map texts (apps, webs, services...) are translated by volunteers within a crowdsourcing project. If you want to take part, you'll be welcome.
Hi Georg,
sorry for the late response, I found this topic by accident - the notification obviously didn't work. Thanks for the ideas - I can implement them. Nevertheless, all Locus Map texts (apps, webs, services...) are translated by volunteers within a crowdsourcing project. If you want to take part, you'll be welcome.
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