LoRouter mode bike touring: why does it add detours?

Georg D shared this question 48 days ago
Need Answer

Dear team,

LoRouter Online navigation from 47.98948, 7.83724 to 48.01108, 7.82239 in bike-mode "Touring" makes two detour manouvers that are not that long, but irritating when being on location, as the straight line seems so much more tempting. Let's analyze why LoRouter adds the detours and whether we may fine-tune it 🙂

At 47.99414, 7.83980 I'd clearly prefer to continue straight northeast, i.e. on the well usable bicycle way of Schnewlinstraße, instead of cycling on the street and having several crossings with ?give right of way? (vehicles from the right have priority, and usually, you have to stop 1-3 times in that detour).


Looking at OSM data, I have no idea what could trigger that detour.

At 48.00674, 7.82509 I'd clearly prefer to stay on the designated bicycle street instead biking across the car parking:


In case that's because of the bollards, at least in Germany, they usually leave enough room for a bike to pass.

In case it's because of surface=paving_stones, as there is no smoothness information, the router can assume it to be sufficiently well on a designated bicycle street. Moreover, the detour also lacks smoothness information, and additionally, it lacks surface information.

Best regards,


Replies (1)


Hi Georg, thanks for reporting this. The first case: Schnewlinstraße is a "highway=primary", 4 lanes wide, probably quite busy road. But it is also a "cycleway=track". This is one of the variety of ways to tag roads suitable for cycling. But router in Locus (embarrassingly) does not know this particular tagging. So Locus thinks this is a busy primary road where no one wants to cycle longer than necessary. This tagging needs to be reviewed for cycling profiles. The second case is avoidance of paths (maybe too strict) for touring. Touring is meant to be like "using heavy loaded bikes". If I remember I introduced this penalty for some MTB-like experience by people with touring bikes. But also Gravel bike routing avoids this segment and this is clearly wrong. Again, review is needed but for this tuning I need to build some proper tooling first, as trial end error leads to mess. Thanks for reports, It is appreciated. Radim.

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