Can't select the map

Kasper Berkowicz shared this question 43 days ago

Everytime I open Locus, I get the error message:

Can't select the map

Swiss Topo_Hiking.sqliteb


Swiss Topo_Hiking.sqlitedb

Error: Cannot obtain zoom levels

The message started appearing after I was fooling around trying to get a select part of swiss maps available offline on some way. I don't remember exactly what I did (and I solved the offline maps in another way afterwards).

Everything seems to be working fine once I dismiss the message. But it'd be nice not to get the message in the first place. I tried to find the file location shown in the file path, but it does not seem to exist - there is nothing called "emulated" when I browse my files.

The phone is a Galaxy s22.



Replies (1)


Hi Kasper,

open a file browser and go to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ directory and delete the file Swiss Topo_Hiking.sqlitedb. If you use Android OS version 13+, you may have to connect your phone to a PC with a USB cable and delete the file with the PC file manager (newer Androids do not allow you to access the Android/data section for some security concerns).

If you need offline Swisstopo maps, go to the Locus Store and download the area you need.

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