Setting large KML as part of theme

Usman Butt shared this question 7 days ago


I have a quite large KML (70 MB, same data in GPX and GeoJson also) of all drivable roads in Iceland.

It is impossible to load it in all at once, the tablet gets way too slow.

I've tried to convert it to SQlite in Globalmapper, used Maptiler for MBtiles, QGIS for various formats and none of it seems to work properly as overlays.

I was trying to figure out if you could convert the file to anything else and then import it as some kind of tileset for the overlay. Maybe even include the lines in a theme.

I want to see the lines on top of the LoMaps Iceland map, preferably as a red line on all the roads.

Should be able to use it offline.


Replies (3)



Honestly, I'd also suggest generating a .mbtiles map using QGIS if you need to combine different data because generating your own vector map and theme is quite complicated.

So what happened when you imported .mbtiles map into Locus? Have you tried an overlay feature?

Thanks, Petr


Hi, thank you for your answer.

I did get the MBtiles produced, but a simple KML ended up being several GBs of data depending on how many zoom levels i included.

Also it seemed like the scaling function in the overlay method could not handle this as the lines were jumping around and sometimes the screen went full black.

I ended up solving the issue by creating a mapsforge file with the lines and integrating them in a theme, and it runs smoothly :-)



ahh, I didn't know you were so skilled :-)
Generating mapsforge is the best solution, but it requires data transformation and theme creation and for this reason I didn't suggest it. But I'm glad you managed to solve all these steps.


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