Problematic curve notice on navigation

AntMadeira shared this problem 7 days ago
Not a Problem

I don't know if something changed in Locus recently or if it was always like this, but I've been noticing that curves are being wrongly presented while route navigating.

It's very awkward to see a crossing or fork on the top left image when the only thing that exists is a curve on the road.

It's very distracting and it makes the navigation very problematic. Here's two screenshots of this issue. Notice the road I follow is the main road, with no stop signs or crossings.

Is it something I can change on my side or is this a problem with Locus' internals?

Why not just show crossings when there are STOP signs or crossings where you have to change to another road?


Best Answer

There is another aspect to this.

If you disable "Include Navigation Commands" in route planner then the created route has no navpoints. Obviously correct.
In route planner if you do "Recalculate all" with same setting then again the route has no navpoints. Correct.
If you do "Navigate to a Point" then the created route uses the last setting in route planner for "Include Navigation Commands". Correct.

When you navigate the route and do "Recalculate" - then the part of the route which gets changed now DOES get navpoints (not just shape based).
IMO this is incorrect. If you do not add navpoints to a route, whether deliberately or accidentally, then you would not expect Recalculate to override this.
Or is there some setting which controls this ?

Replies (6)


Are you writing route navigation, i.e. navigating along a previously planned and saved route?

Have you perhaps created this WITHOUT navigation commands (deactivated the option in the route planner menu)?

If so, Locus will generate instructions during navigation based on the direction changes of the route, regardless of the routing data on the map. This includes, for example, curves or bends where are no turn-offs, junction etc.

In many cases, I personally prefer this option, as it is often more precise for my needs.


No, the route was made by Locus itself through route planner by using a point on the map and navigating there.

The problem is that Locus shows junctions and intersections where there are none. In those two images, there are only curves, nothing else that forces Locus to show a hard left or an exit from the main road.



what router do you use? Where exactly does this happen? Is it only on the place you show on the screenshot or anywhere else?


Those two screenshots where taken using LoRouter online.

This happens independently of the place, is not map related. I used it again last night and it also happened. Each bend of the road is presented with a junction or intersection like that, when there's nothing there.

What I did notice is that when calculating the first route with LoRouter Online, the itinerary shows only curves and bends. Not even roundabouts are calculated correctly (with the number of the exit and the round symbol on top left image). But if I recalculate the route (the same route) this behaviour disappears, and the bends and curves disappear and roundabouts are correctly displayed. I've just tested this on a random route planning.


Could you please send the coordinates of any place where this happens? I'm not able to simulate the issue in my neighborhood.


I can send you the coordinates, but I assure you it doesn't matter, because it happens everywhere.

I send you another example I got today in a random place.

In the first image, I selected a point from my points' folder and chose to navigate there. Locus just shows curves, even in roundabouts, like I mentioned above.

In the second image, I just touched on the top left image and chose to recalculate the route. Right away, Locus changed from curves to a correct route, calculating the next roundabout with the right image and exit.c3000227e9708c5698dcd057022c6164



Sorry, I can't see any problem on these two pictures, Locus Map displays navigation prompts before an intersection. Please show me where it displays navigation commands where there is no intersection. Thanks


I think she means: In the first picture it says turn left and in the 2nd picture it says traffic circle 3rd exit


He wrote, "It's very awkward to see a crossing or fork on the top left image when the only thing that exists is a curve on the road." The pictures show intersections on the road.


Michal, if you look at the top left image, the same curve has a different image and interpretation of that intersection, from image 1 to 2.

In the first image, you have just a curve (where there's a roundabout), in the second image you already have a roundabout (which is the correct reading of the route. So, Locus is making different interpretations of the same junction.

And the most important is that if the route is not recalculated, Locus shows junctions and forks on simple bends, where there is nothing.


What routing profile do you use? I'm testing it with a car or bike profile and the minor turns to the houses near the road are not announced:



What routing profile do you use? I'm testing it with a car or bike profile and the minor turns to the houses near the road are not announced:



I'm using motor vehicle economic/fast profile.


This is how it looks on my phone, the same intersection with a roundabout. LoRouter online, fast car profile. The navigation command is correct, prompting to leave the roundabout at the third exit. Honestly, I don't know where the problem is.



Here's what I am saying using the route planner:

1- planning with a roundabout


2- The itinerary :


3 - The itinerary after recalculating the route shows the roundabout:



I understand that you have some problem but I'm not able to simulate it, sorry. The same place, LoRouter online, car profile, first route calculation:

a9a1d0883c00aba7a58ab073bc3a2604 fabb22c82168179c39e55b1a837f72ed

If I manage to simulate the issue, I'll be able to forward it to the devs. Also, nobody else has reported such an issue.


Well, as you can see, this is a problem with Locus. I'm not doing anything different from what I did all these years. Maybe it's some option that I activated, but I was changing some things, even disconnecting GPS, but the behaviour is still the same.

I've tried with GraphHopper and got the same issue.

Can you please tell me all the steps you made with that route planning in your last pictures?


Do you use the same route profile in the route planner?
The difference is only in the planning in the route planner. You have the same result when recalculating during navigation. A different profile is used here than in the planner. And the profile is always the same, I think.


I don't know if I understood your comment, freischneider. When I choose a profile in the route planner, that profile doesn't change between image 1 and 2. The recalculation is done by touching the top left image and then activating the recalculation option.

This happens in any profile, car, pedestrian, bicycle, etc.


Antonio, do you have the option to generate navigation commands turned on in the routing profile setup?



That's it!

I thought that this option would be only for audio commands, but as @Alan G found, this was the problem!

I don't understand what's the use of showing commands as forks and junctions on curves (with that option off), but maybe it's useful for something that I'm missing.

Anyway, thank you @Michal Stupka and @Alan G for your help and patience!


"I don't understand what's the use of showing commands as forks and junctions on curves (with that option off), but maybe it's useful for something that I'm missing."

- when you turn this option off, the route doesn't contain the navigation commands generated by the router on intersections of roads. If you start navigating such a route Locus Map generates the navigation commands based on the route's shape. That's why the commands are often on turns without crossings or wrongly interpret intersections - Locus Map doesn't see the intersections, it only sees the route shape.

Locus Map uses this automated system primarily for imported routes or recorded tracks that users want to navigate.


Thank you for your explanation, @ Michal Stupka.
Maybe a tooltip could be helpful in these cases (or a description in the ? above the profile parameters), to explain exactly what this option does.


I asked you after your first post whether you had perhaps deactivated the "include navigation instructions" option. Unfortunately, you didn't check that. Otherwise your problem would have been solved much sooner. 😉

But the discussion has something good for everyone: the problem that the recalculation did not take into account whether the route was created with or without navigation commands has now been fixed. Many thanks for that! 👍


I'm sorry about that, but when I read that I didn't made the connection to that option and in the midst of several answers I totally forgot to reply to that particular point. Thank you for your input!


There is another aspect to this.

If you disable "Include Navigation Commands" in route planner then the created route has no navpoints. Obviously correct.
In route planner if you do "Recalculate all" with same setting then again the route has no navpoints. Correct.
If you do "Navigate to a Point" then the created route uses the last setting in route planner for "Include Navigation Commands". Correct.

When you navigate the route and do "Recalculate" - then the part of the route which gets changed now DOES get navpoints (not just shape based).
IMO this is incorrect. If you do not add navpoints to a route, whether deliberately or accidentally, then you would not expect Recalculate to override this.
Or is there some setting which controls this ?


You're right, the app should respect the original setup. So @Menion has just fixed it - when the original route is generated without navigation commands from routing data, the recalculated route will also be generated without them. The change will take effect in version 4.28.3 (if there will be such) or in 4.29.


Maybe it would be a new topic, but since it refers to this post from @Michal S. with the announcement to respect the original setup in the next version, I still have the following questions and suggestions:

1. app should respect the original setup: Does this also apply to the other settings when recalculating? (selected km/h in flat terrain, wet conditions option, all settings of the profile used for planning?

2) I often plan several routes in advance. For the next holiday or when I come to the area. These are planned with different routing profiles and even different engines (LoRouter, BRouter, (because LoRouter does not yet support all BRouter profiles).

Unfortunately, I can't see later which profile settings I used to plan the routes. For example, with how many km/h, with which detailed settings (wet conditions yes/no), with the external BRouter profiles much more can be set. It would be helpful if you could see or call up this information for the saved planned routes.


Maybe make a suggestion.


@Graf Geo: even though this relates to the original topic, the idea regards something different - router metadata saved with a saved route. That deserves an extra "Idea" topic seeking support from other users.

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