Immersion in six levels

Roman Frenk shared this problem 3 days ago
In Progress

In the blog article regarding the new folder structure, you write that you can drill down to six levels, but the option to save to the fourth folder doesn't work for me, see the attached image. I have LM 4.28.2 gold.

Replies (3)



please make sure the number of moved subfolder levels plus the number of the level you are moving to equals 6.


Ale proč mně systém píše, že bych překročil maximální počet 4 úrovní zanoření? A jinak, pokud počítám Body a Trasy jako první úroveň tedy domeček a jako první výchozí úroveň, tak mně systém dovolí vytvořit složku v šesté úrovni a do té už nemohu nic nahrát, žádný bod nebo trasu. Proč mě tedy pouští na vytvoření, ale nemohu už nic vložit? A hlavně ta hláška o čtvrté úrovni mě dost mate.

But why does the system tell me that I have exceeded the maximum number of 4 security levels? Otherwise, if I count Points and Routes as the first level, i.e. the house and as the first default level, the system allows me to create a folder on the sixth level and I can't upload anything to it, no point or route. So why does it let me create it, but I can't upload anything? And especially the message about the fourth level confuses me a lot.


You're right the system notifying of the max limit of nested subfolders is wrong. The devs have been informed.


I did some tests and found that diving to level six works, but you can't use diacritics in the folder name, then it throws a message about level. So the problem is in the naming.


One more thing. When I removed the diacritics, I was able to create a point at level six, but I still can't move the route to this level six.


Last observation. Copying to the sixth level works (without diacritics), but unfortunately moving does not. So creating points yes, copying a route yes, but moving a route no, a message about the fourth level is displayed.


Thanks for the additional info. We're releasing a beta version at the end of the week so please test the issue with it.

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