"Points Around" function not working

Tom Robinson shared this problem 44 hours ago
In Progress

Since the latest update the "Points Around" function is only showing points surrounding my current location. It used to show all the surrounding points around the map cursor. I having been using locus maps for 2 years whilst cycling round the world and used this function every day to explore points in locations some distance away from me so I can plan what is ahead. Why has this been removed in the latest update. It was incredibly useful.

Replies (5)


Hi Tom,

"nearest points" to the map cursor are still working, see the map content panel. You can also filter LoPoints, your own point, geocaches etc.:

59cf2c3012adbd197b41a50b2994d78a 21564071007ef4658c98e6532b0c1d29 cc11cf345ad8e902bcd63f3c5cd4e11a


Thanks for the rapid response, Michael. I have all the same setting and filters as you have shown in the screen shots, but this is still not working for me! I'm just seeing the points around my current location irrespective of where the map cursor is. I'm about to set of riding the silk road in Kazakhstan tomorrow morning and would love to try and fix this.


Open expert settings and change the default search/sort location to the map screen cursor:



Maybe this is a common enough use-case that all users, not just "experts" would like a more intuitive access to the "Default search/ sort location" setting?


Sorry, but I don't want to use the "EXPERT SETTING"

Expert settings

“use only when you are sure of what you are doing!”


Now you sir, are a genius! That has made my day! Thank you so much. It worked.


Hi, I think maybe you should rethink this? For years I have used the Search facility to identify tracks near the one I'm looking at on the map, similar to Tom's search for points. I didn't even realise that there was any other option and the default was obviously to search the area shown rather than the area around your current GPS location. The reason it wasn't an option that anyone was changing seems to me to be because they were happy with the default. But now you have changed the default AND tucked it away in a menu option that is not easy to find and activate. If I hadn't seen Tom's post, I would still be struggling to find out how to get back this useful functionality. I think you should make the default as it was before. BTW great app!

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