Web route planner map display

olliz shared this question 4 days ago

Would it be possible to individually show/hide the various hiking trails, bike routes, etc. in the web route planner?
When planning a route in the web route planner, the current map display with "all" the trails is confusing - that's why I still use Komoot or B-Router for online planning.
When planning a cycling route, Komoot really only shows me the bike paths and nothing else.
What I would like is to be able to see the routes that interest me, depending on my sport.
When I go on a bike tour, I want to see bike paths, possibly gravel routes, and at most easy mountain biking. Hiking trails (and then they're color-coded next to each other - red, blue, white, and the bike path in purple, which is no different from my planned route...) etc. are of no interest to me at all - it just confuses my planning.
There's a map legend - here I wish I could choose what I want to see.
It would be even nicer to be shown which streets have low traffic volume.

Replies (3)


Unfortunately, this does not work with the current web planner. I know the problem and asked about it some time ago. The reason is that the web planner uses raster maps (i.e. map image tiles), which do not allow layers to be shown/hidden separately.

At some point, the plan is to switch to vector maps, and then this will also be possible. As far as I know, there is no concrete timetable for this yet, but I hope to be able to experience it. 🙂

Until then, I usually use BRouter Web for planning on the PC.


Thanks - now that you mention it, I remember the vector graphics required for it..... Well, the more often it's asked, the more interest there is 😉 .


Thanks @Graf Geo for a comprehensive answer. It's planned to switch to a vector map but there is no exact date for it...
Thanks, Petr

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