2 fields in Top panel

Sonny shared this idea 3 days ago
Gathering feedback

Since top panel in LM4, opposite to LM3, just consists of one info field (no buttons any more), please allow to use two info fields in the panel. I think it's possible to use the available space to display (most of) info of 2 info panels, e.g. "Sunrise/Sunset" and "Map".


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Replies (3)


I don't agree with you, Sonny. My S10 is not a giant phablet, but it is a normal smartphone. Most of the information that can be displayed in the top bar takes up at least half or more of the width on my phone. Then it would have to be switched to two lines, which in turn takes up space, unn/or it would look unattractively compressed.

If you want to see more information, you can set up a dashboard.


I don't need this, but it's an idea for those who do:
You can select 2 fields. In the 2nd field you can also select “no display”, then only one field is displayed. That would be for phones with a small screen.


Well, of course this should by optional. If people want to display just 1 info field like now, the field should use whole screens width. (similar to what @freischneider proposed)

If people like me are interested in displaying 2 infos (without using dashboard for 2 infos only...), then it would be ok for us, if this info is cut on its right side (or using 2 lines, or their display is optimized a little bit...).

In the map's example above I could think of hiding the "VEC"-icon and spane in front of "12".

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