Cannot enable TTS

Major-Mayer shared this question 4 days ago

Hi everybody,

for some reason, I am unable to enable TTS in the Locus settings.

If I click on the "audio output" settings (or whatever the correct English translation is) there is an error message that says "Text-to-speech cannot be initialized, check you system settings".

Not very helpful, since I've enabled the Google TTS service in my Settings and downloaded German and English (I am using Locus Maps in German, so it should find the matching language).

Any idea what's wrong with my setup?

I am on Android 15 and my Locus Map version is 4.28.3

Replies (1)


Okay I was able to resolve this on my own, by re-installing Google TTS.

Don't know what was wrong with my previous installation.
It looked more modern, than the version that I downloaded from Play Store, but didn't work.

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