Correct LoMaps data

Magnus Bjermo shared this question 3 days ago

How can I submit corrections to incorrect LoMaps data?

Replies (6)


Define "incorrect".

In most cases this is an OSM topic, not an App topic. I.e. you need to edit the related OpenStreetMap data, which will ripple down into LoMaps, OAM Maps and others - over time.


Thanks, that's clear. It relates to a 'mountain pass' which is in the wrong place by about 500m leading people to the wrong point. I assume I do this through the main OSM web site?


Inside Locus, there is an OSM notification to report errors and alike. But then you depend on someone taking care - or not ...

Hence you are right: do sue the OSM web site.

In both cases, though, you need an OSm account first of all - free of charge.


Hi Magnus,

if you find an error on the map, it is an error in the OpenStreetMap data from which our LoMaps (and other OSM based maps) are rendered, as Michael has mentioned.

You have three options:

1) use Locus Map's OSM Note tool, which informs the OSM community about the error. But after sending the note you may wait a few years (if ever) until the error is fixed

2) send a thorough description of the error, including coordinates, sketches, photos, whatever, to us - some of us are active OSM mappers and we can fix the error in the OSM database - this may take a few days or weeks

3) become an OSM mapper yourself and fix the error immediately


Thanks. I will give it a go myself first and if I get stuck I might revert to option 2:)


4) the app StreetComplet is easy to use in order to send correct to OSM.

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