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Battery drain, regression in

Tomáš Janoušek shared this problem 8 years ago
Not a Problem

Yesterday I went for a long ride and used the beta (since it has the record only when moving fix), but after just 2 hours my battery was below 50 %. Scared that it might die before I finish the ride, I switched back to 3.18.2 pro and then it lasted another 3.5 hours. I'm attaching a screenshot of the battery graph. Unfortunately I have no other idea how to debug this.

My conf: CM11 (4.4.4) on i9300. wifi off, bluetooth enabled and active (locus — hrm, addon — rflkt), navigation off, just track recording. In pro "record only when moving" is off, in beta it's on.

I'm a bit afraid to update to 3.18.3 as then I won't have any version that works on my phone. :-(

Is it safe to downgrade from 3.18.3 to 3.18.2?

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Zdravím Tomáši,

quite hard task. Downgrade to any version in 3.18.x row should be save without any problems.

5.5 hours with almost whole time disabled screen is really bad value no matter which version you use. Anyway I'll try to watch it more carefully during weekend. Can't image what should affect battery consumption so much, when screen is off. Highest consumers are Shading and partially also vector maps. WMS maps and overlays also increase consumption. Anyway all these features should sleep when screen is off, or Locus is in background.


Had I started with 3.18.2 it'd be around 7 hours on one battery and I carry a spare one. I think I could get 10 hours with bluetooth off (and obviously without the rflkt addon). It's an old phone, it doesn't last as long as modern ones. :-)


I never trusted battery monitors on all Androids before 5.0+. Aren't you using something like GSam Battery Monitor or something like this, which display battery usage a lot more precisely?

Anyway I was using Locus during both weekend days for a longer time in the field and for me, it all looks correctly and without obvious battery problems.

May you please give Locus second try, maybe experiment with it little bit, and when you will be sure that certain configuration cause a troubles, send me your "backup of settings".

There is so much options to test, that without any more specific settings, I'm really unable to find some battery problems. Thanks for understanding.


Yeah, I do have gsam installed. Is there anything in particular that I should be looking for in there? I vaguely remember that on Friday, after 2 hours of riding, gsam told me Locus consumed an hour of CPU. That seemed a lot to me, but there was nothing else suspicious besides this number. Sensors usage seemed fine. Unfortunately I didn't check what the number was when I switched back to 3.18.2.

Anyway okay, I upgraded to 3.18.4 and I'll retest this week.


When I check, I look just on a percents of Locus itself. Such programs has advantage that there is usually visible how much power consumed Locus, how much display, GPS etc. And in the end. Locus is usually one of lowest consumers and the worst is usually too frequent usage of very bright screen.

I'm sure you will understand ... because I'm not aware of any new change that should affect battery usage, I simply cannot say where is a problem. And because it's almost impossible to measure in the field CPU usage of certain functions, it has to be done by testing. If you notice this, next time try it with raster maps instead of vector, next time without enabled add-on, next time without BT sensors, next time without map shading, etc. And meanwhile think about new battery :). Sorry, I have no idea how may I help more.


Well, much better idea would be to test a version halfway between 3.18.2 and, and so on. Seems little useful to disable vector maps when I had no problems with vector maps before. :-)

And my battery is fine. I got a new one a few months ago. It's just the entire hardware platform that consumes a lot more than it should. Misbehaving apps don't help, either.


tl;dr: stop worrying about this :-)

Okay, did another two tests yesterday and today. Yesterday: exactly one hour, no bluetooth, no wifi, no mobile data, just phone sitting in my attic. Ate 9 % of battery, nothing unusual in gsam. Today, one hour and 15 mins of biking, HRM, RFLKT, but no wifi/data. Ate 14 % of battery, gsam numbers seem okay too (Locus consumed ~13 mins of CPU, RFLKT addon ~7 mins). These numbers look like the ones I was getting before the regression, so either there was something wrong with the beta build, or my phone just decided it was a bad day. I think we can close this.

(It's interesting though that gsam shows that apps consumed 90 %, screen 3 %, signal 5 %. I didn't use the screen as I rode this route a hundred times, though. So in my case, it really is the apps that consume the most. Not that it matters.)

Sorry for the confusion.


Hello Tomáši,

no need to say sorry. Issues with battery never ends. Check GSAM from time to time and if you notice something suspicious, try to test what may cause it. If you eliminate all possible source (like I mentioned in list before) and battery drain will be still there, then you have a configuration I need for test ;).

Anyway hope this won't happen and it was really just a bad day of your device.

Enjoy summer without huge temperatures (compare to last year)!


Oh yes. I use my Bike Hub Dynamo to charge the phone. Usually "battery issues" manifest in not beeing able to properly charge the phone. Last time it was the WiFi System that got stuck somehow. There a reboot helped.

What would be useful (but no idea how easy that would be), to have some powersaving options (like turn off WiFi, GSM, Dim Display when Navigating) from within Locus. Or is there any other simple way, to automate that?


Hello Ulrich, hmm I believe that such options are too far from Locus scope. Suggest to check any application that may be configured to change such settings on less clicks at once. Like tasker or MacroDroid. Maybe there will be even something better, something that may be placed also as a shortcut into Locus functions panel, but because I do not use it, I don't know.


Powerconsumption optimalisation.

Situation: Or Navigation in use (no auto on/off gps) and or high definition (1 sec) trackrecord (only when moving).

Touristic cycling including pauses results sometimes in unexpectedly longer stops...hmm.

Problem: While halted (not manually paused the record) gps still consumes power.

Question: Can accelorometer sensorinfo be used for gps auto on/off by (non) movement dedection?


Good day Willy,

understand. I think it's doable ... you may vote here , for already existing topic ;).


I Had a look there, but that idea is about improving (prediction) of position ?

Anyway no problem as I known it's somewhere "hidden" in your internal memory now ;-)

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