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A little bug with Statkart Topo?

fefrivold shared this problem 8 years ago
Not a Problem

Hi, I use Locus along with maps of Statkart Topo. After the last update (3.22), it appears that Statkart Sailing kicks in at the lowest zoom levels.

Replies (8)


Good day Fred,

may you please describe more precisely what means "kicks in"? I'm Trying "Statkart > Sailing" maps and till zoom 18 all seems to work correctly.


In some zoom-levels Locus switch to Statkart Sailing, instead of Topo.


It happens in zoom-level 15.


No such problem happen to me during testing. May you please send me a screenshot where is visible this problem and that I may use to simulate same problem (visible name of some city/village) on own device? Thanks.


The sailing map occurs in level 1-15, and topo in 16-18.


Dear Fred,

I guess that it is some misunderstanding. There is new topo map in 3.22 version but the zoom-level=15 really contains topo map. I can understand that there are some sailing/see data in level=15 but these data are part of topo map. This is not Statkart Sailing map. Please compare the same zoom-level with Statkart - Sailing map.

Thank you



Sorry my mistake. I found the map in level 15 so unfamiliar and find it resembled Sailing-map, but I now realize that it is not the same.


But why is it a new topo map? The old one was better, I think...


Well from our opinion is new topo map "more topo" as the older one. Are the are any important problems or weaknes we should consider?


I think it's a big difference between level 15 and 16. Moreover, the level 13,14 and 15 are almost identical. It was not like this before?

Therefore, I investigated a bit against, which is statkarts free service.

It appears that you have replaced the usual "countrymap" (which is most detailed) with a raster map. Rastermap has not as fine detail as countrymap, especially because level 13-15 for example, are equal. After level 15 Locus seems to swich to countrymap.

I think the countrymap is the best map, and wonder if you can reset this? or possibly make a user choice?Or at least switch to countrymap in a earlier level?Look at the attached pictures. (Levels numbers do not correspond directly with the locus' numbers think). But as you can see raster map level 12 and 13 almost equal, whereas the corresponding land map (countrymap) is more detailed.



thank you for screenshot. From my opinion is current solution better then previous one - at least for level < 14. Please see attached screenshots that compare old solution with the new one. I believe that raster map is more readable and get better context of the map/area. You're probable right that current solution in level=15 isn't ideal. We'll consider your notes.

Thank you



Could you make it possible to have two versions of Statkart topo in Locus Store? (Statkart I and II?)

Then we can choose the one we like best.


Dear Fred,

we decided not to change current map definition. We'll definitely open this issue in case that other user will complain. From our point of you has raster topo map better readability in (HDPI devices) then digital "country" map.

Thank you for understanding



And there is Statkart wms services...lots of and free/open

[N] Hei Fred Elias! Stavanger her. Hva bruker du kartet til?


Ok, I realize that you do not want to change this, but I'd still wished that you create both variations in Locus Store, so we users could choose which map we will use ourself.

(E.g. by offer Statkart Country, Statkart Raster and Statkart Sailing).

I use LocusMap often to geocaching, and I think raster map is garish and that the geocaches points are a bit lost in the map.

But I suppose I have to live with it :-)

At the lower zoom levels, of course I can switch to the OSM map instead, but it is a bit more cumbersome.

[N] Hallgeir: Hva mener du med Statkart wms? Det er vel ikke noe jeg kan få integert inn i Locus Map?


Sizes of geocache points can be changed via Settings-->Maps-->Point&Tracks-->Map icon size..

[N] Kontakt meg på hallgeir(dot)gjesdal(at)lyse(dot)net så fikser vi både statkart og wms...i Locus

Edit: Herregud Fred.....ikke no, men net...beklager

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