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A small bug in V3.15.0 and V3.14.2 etc

ColdAutumn shared this problem 9 years ago

This is a bug ? I find it a long time :


Replies (4)



hmm are you able to simulate this from and write me exact step-by-step? Mainly since first step as "create a new folder X". Because I rarely saw such incorrect values as well, but was never able to simulate it. Thanks


Pozrel som do priecinku tras a sprava sa to tak ako je popisane vysie. Mam oznacene trasy a hore 0/xx

Po opusteni a znova vojdeni do zlozky je pocet spravny. Napr. 2/35

Nefunguje to v realnom case pri oznacovani. Napocita to az po znova otvoreni zlozky.

Zlozka bodov ide OK a ukazuje - pocita hned pri oznaceni polozky.

Doplnenie: jedna sa o zlozky davno vytvorene.


I can confirm this in 3.15.0 and 3.15.2. Not sure how far back this bug started. If I tap on "eye" icon in track list the A/B is not updated (number A is not changed) until I go back one level. When I come back to same track list folder the number A is now correct.


Ah thanks guys, I've finally found it. So, in next version, issue will be fixed.

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