Add GC-Offlinizer shortcut

GeoGeek shared this idea 7 years ago
Gathering feedback

Offlinizer is useful but very "hidden" function. I often use it to download spoilers.

It would be nice to have a shortcut - without asking no additional questions.

Here are some ideas:

- button under "Basic info" page of cache ( just like "Quality vote")

- additional option under "Points popup content"

Best Answer

In cache detail:

Update - Down panel share buton (2 from right / update cache (first choice)

Offlinizer - Main menu (right upper corner) / GC-Offlinizer (6. choice)

In folder:

instruments (key in the bottom right) / more menu (up arrow) / 1. Update or 4. GC-Offinizer

Locus has tremendous possibilities and there is plenty of them.

It needs to try and try....

And read it...

I wish you lots of fun ;-) It's going to happen!

Replies (1)


GC-Offinizer is used primary for the folder. Not on a single cache.

In the folder is 3 clicks.

Directly in cache detail it is only 2 clicks.

very "hidden"? :-)


Still another reason for one cache ...

Do you have automatic image download settings?

Maybe because...


Ok, now I see Offlinizer main purpose.

Yes, I have option “Automatic image download” set ON and it works great with image / spoiler download with Geocachig4Locus addon.

But I always use offline database (PocketQuery), because it is faster and I save battery (no need for mobile internet). When I need more/fresh cache details, I turn on internet connection. Pictures are downloaded automatically, but not spoilers.I do not get “Image tab” with spoiler until I do Offlinize or “Cache update”.

I find “Cache update” more useful than Offlinizer – it updates logs, spoilers and favorite points, but it takes 6 clicks from cache details: Cache code/open in web browser/ Import to Locus Map/Import/Overwrite/open cache detail

So, how to update currently opened offline-stored cache with minimum clicks?

Maybe new “Cache update” button/shortcut?


In cache detail:

Update - Down panel share buton (2 from right / update cache (first choice)

Offlinizer - Main menu (right upper corner) / GC-Offlinizer (6. choice)

In folder:

instruments (key in the bottom right) / more menu (up arrow) / 1. Update or 4. GC-Offinizer

Locus has tremendous possibilities and there is plenty of them.

It needs to try and try....

And read it...

I wish you lots of fun ;-) It's going to happen!


Yesss, thats's the thing I was looking for: In cache detail/ Update - Down panel share buton

Thanks Condor!!!

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