Add GPS exif data to picture when take photo in attachment of way point.

ColdAutumn shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback

two issue:

1, Locus do not recording complete exif data to photo for take photo to attachment.

be looking forward to add them.



2, add GPS data to photo, such as export some photo with GPS exif when share our photo.

3, for support more ourdoor work to record complete photo data.

Replies (1)


Hello cnchip,

I'll probably disappoint you, but this is not in competence of Locus itself.

System is that if you request to pick a photo to Locus point, Locus only "send request to Android system - pick a camera application and take a photo to place X on your card". That's all. Then just wait if system response back "OK done" or "Not-OK canceled/failed". Nothing more.

So I really suggest to check settings of your camera app, what parameters it store into EXIF and if these information are incomplete, you may try different, from many many available camera apps on Google Play.

Is this answer to all above questions?


Yes, I can full understand your words,


1, I think Locus can write again the GPS data to the JPG file.

2, Or, Locus can add GPS exif to jpg file when export these JPG file.

(of course, I known their store position, but I want export them by Locus, because I want get these jpg with GPS exif )

And I think this is necessary.

Otherwise could you please why these waypoint support attached image file ? :)

A important reason is these image are linked to the waypoint.

So, after export these image files we should known their position ----- by GPS exif data. :)

So, in future Locus can support more complex applications.

Such as archaeology and geology etc , we can known these photo's position and share and manage them.

And, we should not only rely Camera's GPS because it is current and active GPS.

And Camera's GPS is slow and power consumption etc.

Or we add only a exist image file to a waypoint without take photo.

Thank you very much for your answer.

FYI and be looking forwards ...


I'm checking a code of Locus to be sure and for my own surprise, Locus already write an EXIF data to took photo when you use feature "Take a photo" (not "Select a photo") and you have enabled GPS in Locus.

Anyway I've tested it and seems that it do not work as expected. A while after "Take a photo", is visible small white popup from Locus "GPS disabled", which cause that valid location is not set to received photo by Locus.

Issue found and fixed.

Is that all that's needed?

1 forgot unexpectedly your code :)

These code can support Bluetooth GPS ? Include Locus's bluetooth GPS and from 3rd's bluetooth, such as "Bluetooth GPS" app ?

Of course I believe that is no any problem because the Bluetooth GPS app is direct take over the system GPS then service all app... I think..

In addition, if Locus can support export these image and write GPS exif (for select photo or no GPS exif )....that is very well ...

I will install your latest release. Excellent and thank you very much !

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