Add selectable distance option to get circular course

Ralf Born shared this idea 10 years ago
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I would like to have an option, to select 30km distance for example, will result in two or three options for a navigated circuit to be used for cycling.

Replies (4)


Hello Ralf

I don't know exactly what you mean.

Select from what?


I want to cycle 30km. Starting point and ending the same. I want to get three different route options from Locus to choose from telling me details like differences in height for each the route options etc


I think similar to this.

Output to kml, gpx, and .tcx. The .tcx file out includes "cue sheet", or navigation (TTS) support. (TN app). (Actual Locus app is only partially compatible with .tcx file format.) Track Navigator app maybe is compatible, but I did no real tests in practice with these site output results !


TN cooperates very fine using tracks obtained by RWGPS. At least if you agree with the "too chatty" instructions. This "loop" design method until now was unknown for me , so I had a first real "loop" drivetest today with Navigation, using .tcx Coursepoints from the website.

1. TN: TTS by <Notes> tag, if missing <Notes> using <Name> tag. <PointType> tag not used !

2. Locus. TTS/Voices Navi only uses the<PointType> tag.

In both programs: No other free tag select possible !

Routeloop: Navi info instructions using TN makes no sense, only expressing streetname without any L/R

direction info. Locus is fine because (only) using the <PointType> tag. Limited Coursepoint support, means directional L/R orders only ! Locus test with compact voice "Samuel" and 15 sec auto display on/off.

As the new biking season arrives soon now ! Maybe more In A next version Locus ?

Free Navi select choice ? Support all .tcx standard Coursepoints ? Limit Naviorders to a minimum ?


Imagine: You're on vacation. You intend to have a jog, walk cycling workout. Map's already downloaded. I would purchase that "circular course add in" let's me select an amount of Km i like to workout and get three round course options..fine thing.

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