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Addon Satellite Images: Unable to save image

Guest shared this problem 7 years ago

I'm running Locus on Android 6, and using external SD-card as data folder. I'm also using add-on "Satellite images" ( )

But it isn't able to work, each time I got an error: "Unable to save image: $s"

Probably a problem that the app isn't able to write onto external SD-card? Although I gave the add-on the Android right to use the memory of my phone.

Locus itself and other add-ons (Gsak database, Brouter, GC4Locus) are causing no problems.

Replies (8)


Hi guys, any perspective to solve this issue? Locus-Addons should be allowed to save their outputs within Locus' folder on an external SD-card too.

The info text of the Satellite image addon's Google play site even says: "Images are since version 2.0 directly downloaded into Locus folder."


Good day sonny,

how is it possible that Locus Map runs on your SD card?

Anyway no matter of your answer, this issue is more in Locus Map app, because Locus have to create a system how to write into internal data structure ( which is on new Android version not possible so simply as before ).

Anyway usage of this add-on is not high and I think that developer is no more working on it, am I right @Voldik? So I'm not sure if it worth it, because in case of Locus Map root directory placed in internal memory, all should work correctly.


Menion, i'm not sure if Locus (the programm itself) runs on SD-card. but its data-folder (maps, tracks, points, images ,..) is on my *external* SD-card.

Settings > Miscellaneous > Default directories: "Set root directory" is set to "/storage/external_sd_card/Android/data/"

As said above, Locus itself and other add-ons (Gsak database, Brouter, GC4Locus) are causing no problems saving theit stuff on external SD-card.


Ah you have it in private Locus directory, understand. I always forget on this option as I consider it quite dangerous and never using it ( directory is deleted when app is un-installed ). In this case, it should be possible to make it work even for this add-on without changes in Locus Map app. Anyway it's on add-on developer @Voldik ( he should be receiving notifications about comments in this topic ).


Hi guys, I think that solution is not possible due to limitations from Android itself. My addon works with Locus in different way than other addons mentioned above. They are using Locus API to put content into Locus.

My addon is not using Locus API to put downloaded maps into Locus. The reason is that there is no API like this. So my addon works directly with Locus' public folders and "pass under" downloaded images. When you open cache detail, Locus looks to its folder and displays you whatever it founds.

Maybe I'm wrong but as far as I know, other applications do not have acces to Locus private folder on your SD card. That's way the solution is impossible.

What about moving just "geochaching" folder to internal card? This solved the problem for me. Maps and other things may stay on external sdcard.




Thanks Voldik for your feedback, appreciate it. Private directory, there is no discussion about this. What about app private directory on SD card? I mean for example directory /storage/xxxx-xxxx/android/data/ ... Is is possible to write into this directory of another app with simple "WRITE" permission? I have no experience with this.

And agree ( as I wrote previously ), with new Android system it is necessary to extend Locus Map API to allow such operation.


Ok, I've set Locus root directory to (internal) "/sdcard" and every maps directory to the external sd-card. So the majority of data is still on external sd-card but Geocaching folder and some other are in internal memory. Now the addon is working again, thanks!


I want to tell you that it seems that this addon is not working anymore. Because on my new phone with Android 12 it's not able to write into internal memory. I get the same message as with older Android versions when I had my geocaching-folder on an external SD-card: "Unable to save image: $s"

Any chance to fix this?


I've the same issue with android 12. I'm not able to save satellite view in cache in my case also if i save in internal sd


Hi guys, I've started to fixing this problem. But I'm struggeling with free time so it will take me some time. Thank you for your patience.

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