And what about OZI maps?

Alexey Krasnov shared this idea 11 years ago
Gathering feedback

Recently I needed to create the map of a fairly large area from a set of individual maps for OziExplorer (*.jpg + *.map). The size of the resulting tile set (*.sqlitedb) turned several times larger than the original set.

But the performance of my tablet is enough for comfortable work with ordinary oziexplorer`s maps.

And question to Locus developers. Do you plan to implement support for OziExplorer maps consisting of JPEG (or PNG) image and mapping/projection file?

Replies (11)


Good day Alex,

unfortunately no such feature is planned. Direct using of PNG/JPEG files is really crazy on mobile devices. It should work, but will be really slow. Much better should be a direct using of ozfxX files, but in this case is a problem with Terms of use.

so sorry, for now, no such feature is planned.

btw. if your SQLite result is a few times larger, then there is probably a problem with some data format of tiles inside database. What tool are you using? I may suggest mapc2mapc or just any software, that allow to store compressed tiles. Because when you take one png file and separate it into 1000 small tiles, you should not get few tiles larger SQLite file, but just a few MB more I think

EDIT: hmm, I`ll rather keep this topic open. Modern Android devices with latest 4.X android allow some handling only with a part of png images, so there is possibility to create this tool. It should be slow, but still usable. So if there will be interest from more people, I may check it ...


I just trying to use set of JPEG maps (about 2 Gb) on Ozi for Android and moving and zooming maps is comfortable on my tablet (iconia tab a701)

I`ve created tile set in Global Mapper. But SQLite file is larger because it contains several zoom layers not only one. If I create database with one layer I have problems with zooming in Locus.


As far as I know OZFX files are multiply layered containers too and size of files also increases.


2MB is very small, so it`s almost possible to keep whole file in memory. Mainly on a tablet. Did you tried larger files?

And about zooms, what you mean by "problems with zooming"?


I use russian military maps - each JPEG (or PNG, no matter) file size about 2-4 Mb. I understand that using larger files will be uncomfortable, but I haven`t ones.

Problems with zooming maps with just one layer are on low zoom levels. When I try to view larger territory I zoom out and map rendering became very slow (because Locus needs to render large amount of tiles?)


SQLite maps should be quite fast, no matter how much tiles contain. Anyway when you zoom OUT, then yes. In this case, number of tiles grow a lot so there should be significant slow down in speed and mainly in memory requirements


So we come back to where we started - for comfortable usage a 2Gb set of regular JPEG maps is growing while converting into SQLite tile set


I would also like to see Locus with support of JPG+Ozi-Mapfile. I like to save Google Satellite Images plus mapfile for offline use. I would even accept a maximum size of the allowed JPG (limits set by Locus).


old style using huge pictures with coordinate .map files will be slow.

its easy to convert to faster sqlitedb

eg with MAPC2MAPC


please enable OZFX, OZFX2, OZFX3 files!!!


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