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Android menu not visible

Paweł Bartuzi shared this problem 9 years ago

Please look at the screen attached - shouldn't the bottom menu be made more noticeable?

Replies (7)


Hi Paweł,

and this is what? :). You use some special Android ROM? Because I never saw white bottom panel and as I know, Locus never request some own color (do not know if it is even possible ...).


Hi, this is stock Sony Xperia Z1 CE1 Lollipop ROM. When I drag the screen from the bottom or down then the menu appearing is on a grey background so the buttons are clearly visible. When I open any Locus context menu and a bottom of the screen is white, then the screen resizes making place for the bottom menu however the menu appearing is on a white background like in the screen I've sent.


Ah this happen only during "full screen" right?

Hmm I'll have back my own Z1C till middle of June (which I borrowed one guy few months ago), so I'll then test it and hope that also fix it. As I always say, best is to be able to simulate problem home on any device, which should be possible in middle of June.

Remind me this after three weeks if I by accident forget, thanks!


Yes, it happens only when "full screen" is on, otherwise the bottom menu is the standard Android white on black menu. If the problem won't go away with possible ROM update I'll get back to you n July - many thanks for your support!


By the way: do you think it is really important to resize the screen everytime any Locus context menu is called? It makes for uneven user experience as the screen flickers everytime a menu is shown. I think that other applications don't do that, just let the Android menu cast a shadow over a bottom of the screen?


Good day Paweł,

own Z1C finally home, tested and issue confirmed. I was searching a little bit and I think I've found some partially working solution for this problem. So you will see in next version, but I think now it is a 100% better! Thanks for useful report!


Hi, I tested the newest beta ( and what is improved is the screen doesn't resize and flicker everytime a Locus context menu is called. The Android back/home/multitasking buttons are overlayed over whatever is at the bottom of the screen they are however still barely visible - please look at the screen attached. When I call the Android buttons by dragging from the bottom of the screen then the Android buttons are overlayed on a grey background and they are much more visible.


Hmm I know, but I consider this as a lot better system then before. From my point of view, they should not be visible at all, because all tasks should be done by top back button and if you need software buttons, you still map call them manually from bottom. Unfortunately, popup menus still display these bottom software buttons .. issue that remains.


I agree it is a lot better system than before as the screen doesn't get resized so the user experience is better. Also, you are right that calling Locus popup menu (from the main screen or a point or track screen) shouldn't call the Android buttons - I think popup menus should be hidden by tapping the button that called them again or by tapping anywhere on the screen.


Oki, so one small improvement in next version. All these changes are, let's say, small hacks in Android system, but I hope that will work for some time and will be useful :).


Hi, the interface is near perfect now: it is predictable, no flickering when calling menus. One last thing to consider: hiding the popup menu should be possible by tapping again the button that was used to call the menu. Using the Android back button or tapping anywhere in the screen is not practical as it has side effects - either exiting current screen or switch something on or off.


Hmm unwanted side effect, damn.

Now there are only two choices ... white software buttons but popups that are still "focused", so it is not possible to tap on another button when popup is visible (old system) or new system, when white bottom buttons are correctly hidden, but popups are not focused so it is possible to tap on any active item on screen. Unfortunately I have only one existing parameter - focused or not. Hmm have to test it in practice to see what is better ...


Glad to hear that, I'll test the next version and get back to you as soon as it is released. Locus is very important app for me now as I am preparing for my summer holidays. :-)

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