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App works extremely slow on Meizu MX4! Optimize the app please!

Kirill shared this problem 9 years ago

Hello. I have a new phone, it's Meizu MX4. A very powerful and one of the most fastest smartphones on this moment.

And Locus works with it as slow as hell. Please optimize the app! Moving of the map is tremendously slow. Working with menu and settings is ok. But when I try to move and/or zoom ANY TYPE of map it just is hell-slow and glitchy moving.

I have bought the app and have traveled a lot with my previous phone, but now it is a nightmare!!!

Replies (1)


Good day Kirill,

thank you for report, I always prefer direct communication, then communication over Google Play comments, which is totally useless.

I'm looking on benchamarks ... nice values in Antutu benchmark, better then average in graphics rendering, but still far away after Locus requirements, so there definitely should be a different problem.

Firstly, you write that Locus is "slow as hell". What does it mean ...

- Locus reacts slowly on your finger moving or just map is loading slowly?

- do you have visible on a map any points/tracks? How many? Did you tried to hide them?

- do you use shading of maps from Settings > Maps - advanced > Map shading? (it slow down a map)

- do you use map overlays from Menu > More > Map overlays?

- do you use online maps? If so, which?

- do you use any WMS map?

All mentioned features above, may dramatically slow down performance of map in Locus. If someone enable all of them at once, then it really should be "slow as hell".

Because of how Locus is made, speed of map will never be as fast as Google Maps and some others, but I'm sure, Locus should never have so much active users, if it will be so bad!

Best to test is to disable all above features/settings, and use some fast online map like MapQuest (or better download to offline part of this map to eliminate internet connection).

I hope you will discover something useful and sorry for a troubles.



Thank you for your answer!

About benchmarks. Yes, maybe mx4 is not the fastest phones, but one of. And which model is the most close to Locus requirements now?

- yes, it reacts slowly on finger moving. Loading of the map depends on internet speed, I understand that

- about points and tracks - yes, I had them and only after I disabled them the speed of map moving and zooming has become better. But all the sense IS in the points and tracks!))) When I'm coming back at night trom the place I found during the day, it is critically needed to see all created points and tracks! I'm a landscape photographer and often go offroad on the car at day, and only after sunset I come back. And only Locus with all his features helps me to find way back!

- Shading is and was disabled

- no overlays have been enabled ever

- when I use online maps, I pre-download the sector needed, it is rarely a field-3g navigaton

- no WMS

I use two types. Vector pre-downloaded OSM map (must say that it is 330 mb size...) And Google Hybrid. Nothing else is enough informative in my places. South regions of Russian Federation.

Yes, your advices were useful for me. But that point-track thing is not good,

On my previous phone Galaxy S3 (android 4.3 custom ROM and custom kernel), and on my wife's phone Galaxy S4 (andoid 5 native ROM) Locus was working very very good!! With a lot of enabled points and tracks! And with a map osm of 330-350 mb. MX4 is a lot more powerful than S3 and S4, in all the possible apps, but Locus... That is strange and that is why I write this.


You are welcome!

Phone close to Locus requirements - I think every device that runs Android 4.0+ is enough.

So seems that disabling points/tracks made Locus works as expected?

If so, there are only two possible options,

a) you have enabled really a lot of points and tracks (on my device, Locus with around 20.000 points and let's say 10 tracks with 5.000+ points is still quite usable). Is it possible that you had on map so much items?

b) there was any unknown error on background that slow down this. Can imagine like all points had defined some custom icon (or photo) and this icon was not available on card anymore. Locus was for every draw of point, searching for this icon. Or something like this ...

If you should be able to simulate this issue, we may try to find a problem. Most easy way to find a problem is to create a log by this method: , if there will be any issue, it should be visible in create log.

At least something to start. Sorry for a troubles, it is really unwanted issue, not and intent of this app. Mainly as you already wrote - it work fine on different devices.

Btw. for your info - vector maps should be slower then downloaded Online maps. They required a lot more CPU to display, on second side their size is a lot lower and you are also able to change it's style by "themes".


Thank you again Menion!

I will try to do something. After this new version Locus seems like working better. And that difference between vector and downloaded online maps is really there!


Perfect, glad you made a progress.

If you find something useful or will have any questions, feel free to ask.

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