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Display area value in track detail

Fifi shared this idea 8 years ago

Hello Locus team !

For a track, would it be possible to have the computed area recorded definitely and displayed as it is for the speed, length, altitude ... in fact, as it was in past versions ?

Actually, it is in an "hidden" sub-menu and we need to recompute each time instead of having it straight on the screen when we tap on the track displayed on the map. And as it is the one of the main data useful for us in tracks ... it is not really practicable actually for us.

Thank you !



Replies (2)


Good day Fifi,

it is correct, this value was visible on one of older versions of this track detail screen. Anyway because I've considered this value as not so useful for hike/bike activities, it's is as you correctly mentioned, only available on request from bottom menu.

I'm thinking how may I help here. Are you interested in "area" value only for tracks, where you have also style that fill area with color? I'm asking because I think for example about option, that when style will also fill area, this "area" value should be visible in dashboard automatically.

Or there is an option to add to config.cfg parameter like "display area value". In this case, Locus should always compute and display area value when you open track detail screen. This is most easy solution for me as I do not have to care about track style, on second side, it will display area value also in case, when you are not interested.

Hmm maybe second option should be more useful, because "area" value is not a problem if you will not be interested and it won't depend on style ... which is advantage. What you think ...


After launch, I've decided for second option.

In next version will be new config.cfg parameter gui_track_screen_stats_display_area . Hope this helps.


Perfect for me ! Many thanks ! :-)

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