Automatic update from "caches found" counter at the start of Locus .

Andreas Miesauer shared this idea 10 years ago
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It can be very useful if the counter from found caches automatically updatet. To me it's already happened more often, that the counter is wrong if i send logs to the geocacheserver.

Update options for every start, never or every day can be usefull.

Replies (1)


There is a way to initiate loading the actual cache found number, but there seem to be a problem. For now I have 2721 caches found, but pushing the button in Locus in "settings>geocaching>cache count founds>load from profile" gives me 2720... has anybody the same problem? I have logged the last cache about 20 minutes ago. So maybe Locus gets it's data not from the profile?


Hello Locke,

I have found that Locus gets this value from profile, that is cached! So once since start Locus load your user profile, this value is used. I've updated this part of code so since next version, "load from profile" will always load fresh value! Thanks


Hello Menion,

wow, lightning fast replay and fix!

Thank you very much!

Happy New Year and best regards from Germany,


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