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Automatic zoom according distance to some POI (or geocaching cache)

Matej shared this idea 8 years ago

It is very missing for me.

When I have active Guidance to some POI, especially geocaching cache, I have to periodically zoom in so I see where is the point but also I see more and more details.

It would be very good if you can add this auto-zoom to Locus, so the point would be always visible, but maximum zoom would be apply.

Thank you.

Replies (9)


Good day Matej,

I have to ask, if you tried to enable "Automatic zoom" in advanced map settings. Because in case of guidance to single point, this automatic zoom should perform firstly zoom based on your speed and later, when you get closer to point ( closer then 2 km ), Locus should autozoom to scale where you and also a point are both visible on a map at once.

Did you tried it?


Hi Menion,

I also voted for this, and I think I would like the same as Matej, but this is different to what you describe.

When I am on a route I am travelling very slow (maybe 15kph) but I may have a next waypoint that is many kilometres away.

With your suggestion the next waypoint may not be visible, but with Matej's suggestion (If I have interpreted it correctly) would mean that the zoom keeps both your position and the next waypoint in view but zooming in as you get closer, then once you reach the waypoint the zoom will reset to show both your current location and the next waypoint on the route.

Hope this is clear.



Hello Brian, this is exactly how it works now, but only when you are closer then 2 km from target point. When you are more then 2 km away. Locus autozoom only on your own position. I've decided for this, because when you are 10 km away from point, then your screen display more then this 10 km on a map. Such scale is close to "useless map".

Anyway if we understand correctly, this whole idea may be about possibility to define this parameter ( 2 km ) since Locus starts to display your position and position of your target on a map screen at once. Am I correct?


Hi Menion,

I use Locus for inland waterways navigation charts, so zooming to 10km from a waypoint would not be useless for me.

In contrast, being zoomed in very closely when I have a long distance to my next waypoint is bad as I cannot see navigational obstacles until I am very close to them - but I appreciate that my use is not normal for most of your users.

I am sorry if I confused things, and I am quite happy to manually zoom in and out as required rather than expect the functionality to be changed for very limited users preference.




Hi Menion. Yesterday I tried Automatic Zoom option in Advance Map settings.

It really works when I was closer than 2 kilometers. Possibility to define this distance (2km) would be great. It should be sufficient solution.

But is does not work everytime good. Sometimes auto zoom does not work as you can see on attached screenshot.

Also, the point where I have active Guidance is under one of partially transparent bars (guidance bar). So I can not see it good (espacially in direct sun).

So it would be good if you could also add option for set how far from different edges of screen the point should be.

Thank you.


Hello Matej,

interesting that it do not work correctly in all cases. In this case, it may be caused by fact, that you maybe manually moved by map or did some zooming and then there was no movement. Locus needs to have some "speed" to do this auto-zoom. I'll try to check it.

About settings: I think that this feature request is close to this one - at least both are about "auto-zoom". Because I plan to add some settings to this feature, remind me this one when you notice, that relative auto-zoom was implemented ;). Not sure when I find some time on it anyway.


Hi Menion,

you are right. Locus has to has some speed to auto-zoom works.

It works good, but I have a problem. When a point towards I have active guidance is norther than me, so on map is up, I can not see the point because guidance bar is over the point.

You should fix it or maybe even better add settings for set how many pixel from left, right, up, down side of display I want see the point.

Thank you :)


Better offset from screen components (buttons, ...) will be in next version. I really believe that some crazy settings won't be needed :).


Okey. I am curious.

Thank you.


Hello Matej, guys,

old topic ... any news here? Is current existing solution usable/useless? Feedback to "Auto-zoom to point" will be useful for me, thanks.


The function works as expected.

At first glance for the beginner messy, but right.

Better offset from screen components?

This is probably not what you did. The endpoints are sometimes underneath the top panel, or under the right panel. Perhaps a slightly greater distance from the edges would be better.


Hmm, I've now increased spaces little bit, so we will see.

If in next version you will still have any content (your location or target point) below panels, post me a screenshot here, thanks.


All situations are after image stabilization after a change of direction. Approximately 5-10 seconds.

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