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Bluetooth GPS brings Locus to crash

khkarel shared this problem 9 years ago


recently I have the problem with my BT GPS device HOLUX M-1000. I was using it for last several months without any problem with the direct connection inside Locus. I experienced this week, that whenever I try to connect, locus crashes. I get the messige "Aplikace se zatavila" Application was closed.

Was it something changed in the code that has something to do with bluetooth GPS devices?

I think that this problem came with some update.

When I have the bluetooth gps enabled, Locus crashes also after start.

I must disable bluetooth in Android, start and disable GPS BT.

I can not find any way how to solve it.

Thank you

Replies (4)



really sorry for these troubles. I received almost same bug report few days ago together with logs, that are usually very useful for solving. Not sure if they helped here, but in current Beta version ( ), issue should be solved.

So I see three options:

1. test current Beta version, all may work fine now

2. test current Beta version, problem remains, so I'll be in need of log:

Are you using beta versions? Probably not. if you wants to try it, here is how to:

3. wait till next official Locus version on Google (first half of August) and we will see :).

Really sorry for a troubles and hope we will solve it.


Thank you Menion for your answer,

I installed beta version and it seems to be working. If there would be some problem in the future I would let you know. Normally I would wait for the standard release, but I will need the BT GPS earlier, so Beta is also acceptable solution.

Thank you


BTW I am also happy with this solution, because I wanted to find the way how to run Locus with both Internal and External GPS and this could be the solution.

Is it possible to run both applications in parallel? Beta with External GPS and Locus Pro with internal?

That would be great. Thanks


Hello, thank you for a test with Beta version, I'm really glad it works!

About both version at once ... hmm, it should be possible, but I'll be really careful. If you wants to run for example Locus Free just because of recording over external GPS, I suggest to change it's default directory in Menu > Settings > Misc > Directories > Root directory. Ideally to it's special private directory in internal memory/card (the one that ends with /Android/data/ ). Because I'm really worried that both apps that will access same data, like database for tracks/points etc. may cause some permanent damage on these files. But if you set different root directory, there should be no problem I believe.

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