Bulk export of tracks

Johan Frisk shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

I miss the function to upload/sync a whole folder to the syncable sites. For example of one week of offline tracking in the bush to one of the supported online services. Preferably with the check that the track isn't there already but also just upload would be really nice. Now I found that's it's possible to sync immediately at stop with the record function which doesn't make this function really that needed. Eevery track could be synced after it's finished, but it could still be really useful especially after times with no/bad connection.

Just moved from one service to another, did simple get everything to Locus by SyncMyTracks, but not as simple to put it up to the new site, from Locus.

Replies (1)


when trying to export to GPSies it says I can't export multiple tracks. I did pause and restart that track

tried to attach GPX file but that didn't work here

this is a link to that GPX file https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4PpWUDLJq5mVlRSczlOT09nTWVDdk5Rd0dJeVFDT1VNOTk4


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