California Trail maps labels

NICOLE BEALE shared this question 5 years ago
In Progress

We are using a Galaxy Tab A, Android version 8.1 and we have purchased California Trail Maps for off roading. We use the hike and bike theme. It works great except we cannot figure out how to get labels to show up. We have no idea where we are and have to use a paper map that does have the trail names(ie 3S04).We've gone through all the settings and layers we think would apply but are at a loss.

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Replies (3)


Hello Nicole,

I'm sorry but what's source of this map? It doesn't look like California LoMap from Locus Store

Thanks, Petr


We purchased the map from From the screenshots on their site, it looks like there are labels so I thought the issue must be us and a setting we are not seeing in Locus.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 4:15 AM Locus Map <> wrote:



thank you for the info. I guess that offers also the custom theme for their maps. Internal Locus Hike&Bike theme is designed for LoMaps from Locus Store.

Please check if there is any californiatrailmap theme ( I expect that theme was installed together with the map ) and use it every time you select californiatrailmap map.

BR, Petr

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