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Can I shoot and triangulate multiple bearings?

Aaron McAlexander shared this question 9 years ago


I'm conducting wildlife radio telemetry studies. Often times when tracking, we come across parcels that we do not have access too. Instead of getting a precise location of the animal, we have to shoot several bearings on property in which we do have access and triangulate a point based on these.

Is there a function in Locus Pro that allows me to shoot a bearing from multiple points and triangulate a location? Any info would be fantastic!

Replies (9)


Hi Aaron

What means "shoot"?


Hey gynta.

I'm referring to shooting an bearing.

For example:

If I shoot 3 points from 3 different gps locations toward where the radio signal is coming from, all 3 bearing lines should converge (come close) to making 1 single point.


Hi Aaron

how do you get the bearing from/to the animal?

Do you get the angle to the animal by maximum level on a antenna direction pointing to the animal?


I can get the bearing from a compass based on the direction the antenna is directed.

Is there a triangulation feature on Locus Pro?

I just need to insert a bearing in conjunction with a given point that I will be at in the field.


It is not perfect and the lines are only temporary, but i think give it a try

Start Geocaching tools, select Line tools

if you click on "target icon" you can select different options e.g. "GPS" for startpoint (your possition)

next click on "target icon" of End Point and select "Projektion" set a distance e.g. 5000 meters and your azimuth, angle of your antenna direction > compute > draw line

on next bearing point do the same, so you get crossed lines and the possition of the animal ;-))

Note lines are temporary, if you close Locus this lines are gone



Thanks! This will help for sure (at least to ensure the azimuths are convergent).

I love this app! It would be great to see a proper triangulation app made (that you can save). For now, the above will help.

Thanks balloni55.


Aaron, will you be so kind to provide us with results of your utilizing Locus Map when monitoring animals? We've been collecting various "exotic" usages of our app to boast with on our web and socnets :) A link to some written assessment would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.


well done Wolfgang - you are too fast :)


to save "lines", you can draw/create a track(line) and save the track because you know a "from" and and a "to" position.

see section Add new route & Measure


well done guys! Perhaps I can add that @Aaron might try the "Intersection" tab of the geocaching line tool to compute the conjunction.


Hey guys.

Just an update, the tool works great! Since we can get quite a bit of "bounce" on our radio frequencies from various objects (barns, powerlines, valleys, etc), being able to drop projection lines from our triangulation locations has been a great way to determine how accurate our readings are.

Thanks a bunch for your help!

One other question, is there a way to save the lines as a KML/KMZ? We currently take screen shots to save our lines, but it would be great to be able to export this data. Thanks!


As gynta had already written, draw tracks on the position of the lines (menu - more - add new route) and export them as kml

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