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Cannot send geocache Announcement log from Locus Pro

Mojmir Volf shared this problem 8 years ago

Today I tried to post an Annoucement to my event with some photos attached but there seems to be some problem with API, because it asked for authorization every time. I tried to remove the photos but the problem remained. On the other hand when I tried to log a note to the same event API asked for authorization and the note was posted.

Samsung GT-I8190N

Android 4.1.2

Locus Pro 3.17.2

Replies (4)


Good day Mojmir,

I'm checking a source code for publishing announcements and all seems to be correct. If one type of log works, this one should as well.

May you please try it for example tomorrow or later? I received yesterday some email from Groundspeak that they plan some update on their servers, so maybe there were (and will be during these days) some problem on their server. I'm mainly guessing because of what you wrote - repeatable need to login again.

Thank you and sorry for a complications.


Maybe there is still some server update underway, but today I tried to post another announcement to my event with the same result. I will gladly send some debug data if there is such option in Locus Pro.


Good day Mojmir,

sorry for a very very late response. Are you still interested in solving of this small "mystery"?

If so, please try that special version of Locus that also creates a log file and then send me this log. Version:

, install it, try to send your announcement log and after a fail, close Locus and in Locus/logs directory will be a recorded log, that may contain some information. Thank you.


Hello Mojmir,

one more user reported same problem. He also provide me access to his geocaching account so I was able to test it directly. Same issue happen. I've then reported this issue to forum into developers section. And well ... after two months, two more users confirmed same problem and no reaction from team ... as usually.

I'm marking this issue as "unsolvable" as problem is definitely not on Locus Map side. We have to wait till guys in America wake up. Thanks for understanding.

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