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Can't connect to Locus Store with Google account (unknown error: 50) Android N

Matthias Brandt (Matze) shared this problem 8 years ago


I recently enrolled my device in the Android Beta program. After installing Locus I tried to access the store though my Google account. The account chooser pops up twice, both times I hit the Google account. After the second attempt, an error message is show (unknown error code: 50).

If you need more information I can try to provide it.



Replies (4)


Good day Matthias,

you are not the first who write us about this problem. Unfortunately all reports has one common point - Android N. So it seems to be some change/problem in beta version of this new system. Because none of our devices has this Beta version, I cannot test and fix this issue.

So sorry, for now I have no solution for you. We have to wait on some official version of Android N.

Thanks for understanding.


Clearly your development team should have at least one Nexus device which can get the latest beta versions of android so that you can prepare your app for upcoming releases and don't have to wait until the official version gets out so that you can fix these types of bugs.


Good day Johannes,

we have Nexus 7 (2013) and we are still waiting for official Android N Beta version. Seems to be close:


Since report of this problem, a lot of had changed (login mechanism in app, already existing Android 9, etc.), so I'm closing it now.

Replies have been locked on this page!