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Change modus

D. Brezner shared this question 8 years ago

Whenever I try to navigate an impaorted, self-made walking route, it starts in the "car-modus" and I do not find a possibility to change that. this works only with newly in locus maps created routes. can anybody help me?

Replies (13)



what do you mean by the "car modus"? If you have your own route Locus navigates along it regardless the means of transport. Just select your route in the track manager or directly on map, tap it, select Navigation and go.


Hi Michal

thank you for caring about my problem. Your advice sounds logical - and it is exactly what I do, but when I tap on "Navigate" a nice voice tells me: Navigation is starting in the car modus. (Though in German! what I aprreciate...) I can then change different things in different menus, like the width or colour of the route on the map, and, and...,but I do not find a possibility to change from car modus to walking or cycling. This works only with newl created routes calculated on Locusmaps, but not with self-made imported routes.

I hope I could make clear what I mean...




When a user launches navigation, Locus opens a navigation settings dialogue, before starting navigating.

It is possible that a car navigation mode is selected by default and you have not switched it to a walk navigation mode before starting navigation.

Edit: Hm, you are right, if selected route is set to be navigated, it skips this dialog, in the opposite to when Navigation is triggered by the naviagtion button.


Hmm, interesting... the issue is in the "nice German voice". If you use some ordinary-built-in-android German TTS, for some reason it tells you the means of transport at the start (English version says just "let's go"). During my testing it worked correctly with Locus-created routes - it told me that I'm going to walk when the route had been planned for walking ("add new route" feature with the help of a router set for walking). But when I started navigation along a bike route, German TTS for some reason announced car (Kraftfahrzeug) modus.

As I've said, Locus itself doesn't select means of transport when navigating along a pre-prepared (created, planned, imported) route - it does so only in case the route is calculated by a router (Yours, BRouter, MapQuest...) when the means of transport is a vital parameter for the route calculation. If your "nice voice" tells you it's going to navigate in "car modus", then maybe it means that it's going to use a car-specific terminology, not navigate along car-accessible roads.

Try some different TTS engine, e.g. Vocalizer


Hello "D."

If you think, Locus use(read) wrong words, feel free to write here

Locus use:

(from file de.tts v3)



"navigation_start_car": "die zielführung wird im kraftfahrzeug- modus gestartet.",

"navigation_start_bicycle": "die zielführung wird im fahrrad-modus gestartet.",

"navigation_start_foot": "die zielführung wird im fussgänger-modus gestartet.",



I don't know if Locus noticed/use the wrong/right navigation track type or your track typ is wrong.


The problem emerges when Locus doesn't have information about the means of transport of the route - that's the case of almost all imported routes in general - then it select automatically the first option which is - a car.


Yes I know....

Locus should use a default string in this case.

No information about type? -> use the default text!

Otherwise It make no sense to have 3 different strings (car, bike n foot) with the same pronunciation.

"navigation_start_car": "Let's go",

"navigation_start_bicycle": "Let's go",

"navigation_start_foot": "Let's go",

what do you think?


Hi Michal

again thank you for your investigation and finding an explanation. As you do not propose a solution, I guess there is none. I think this is a severe restriction in practical use of Locus, and it should be improved... At least I am contented was not my stupidity :-)

I would


when posting my recent comment, I had only seen your last posting, not the one before. and not the one of gynta. Frankly, this is going into spheres that I cannot follow and becoming a discussion among experts. I am just a user of Locus who would like to do some nice bike-tours. I have no idea what a tts-file or a default string is at all. So what I needed was an instruction where to tap on, otherwise it is useless for me. But, this is of course not a complaint. I do thank you both for caring about the problem.


@D.Brezner: I proposed to try another TTS (Text-to-speech) engine, for example Vocalizer (available at Google Play Store). Anyway, this would solve nothing, TTS engine just reads the commands served by Locus (and edited by Locus community, see

@gynta: frankly, I don't see much sense in telling user that "navigation by car/bike/foot started" - "Let's go" in English is pretty enough, don't you think?


I don't see much sense in telling user that "navigation by car/bike/foot started"

So you have to talk with Menion - he add this Vars into the *.tts file :D


Actually we've discussed it... and will discuss it more :)

Dne 4. 5. 2016 17:25 napsal uživatel "Locus Map" <>:


Oh whow, I obviously initiated a discussion among experts with my naive question about changing the modus...

Sometimes it helps to read carefully, what I did meanwhile and I conclude from all your contributions:

1. It does not change anything if I change the tts, except of telling me "Let's go" instead of "starting in the car modus"

2. The anounced car modus does not necessarily mean it will navigate only for cars, i.e it will not try to "force" me only on car-accessible roads.

So I will check that with a test route one of these days. In case it is adhering to my cross-country route, it is fully okay and I will not care about the anouncement of car modus.

Interesting: the problem arises only in German. Of course, Germans are famous of being exact and detailed, aren't they? I can judge that, I am German... -;)

Once again thank you, I will let you know the result of my test...


@D.Brezner: you've got exactly the point. German part of Locus community is extraordinarily active and very "pünktlich". For which we are very grateful! Btw. Germans create 30% of all Locus users despite it's Czech-made app (Czechs only some 15%) :)

ad 2) that's it: if you let Locus navigate you along your own created/imported route, it will NOT force you to go anywhere else no matter what means of transport it announces.

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