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Change time selector for geocaching

Martin Major shared this idea 9 years ago

When I log geocache I use exact time, when I found the cache. It is usually 1-2 minutes in the past (it took me some time to write my name in logbook). Current circle time selector is not very useful for change time by few minutes, the old one (with plus and minus for both hour and minute) was much better for my use case.

Would it be possible to return the old one?

Replies (4)


Good day Martin,

this will be a problem. Current time picker in Locus is Android component, so it is device-specific. Every Android version has own in-build time picker and Locus use it instead of own system. So later when you update your device to new version of Android, it is possible that this time picker change again :).

Sorry, but creating own time picker is from my point of view, too much work for a little music.



oh, that's a pity. But I agree that creating own time picker would not worth it. Thanks for clarification!



For a very exact time you could log your find with Locus first! The time for logbook entry you can change with your own behavior. :)


:) Nice hack, but usually there is not much time when there are no muggles, so I prefer to log in logbook first so I can return cache as soon as possible.

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