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Completely broken after update to 3.10.0

thomas shared this problem 9 years ago

Hello Menion, please help, I am struggling with today's update. The LocusPro icon changed first to something almost transparent with a little "SD" text inside the logo. Now its the Android symbol as Logo. (the app is installed on phone, not SD)

I can open Locus pro, but the menu's of Locus are extremely slow - hardly responding. Can really change anything. Is this just me? Should I de-install and re-install? Can I get the Pro Version installed again after a de-install?

Heading to a hiking vacation in a week :-(

Thanks, Thomas

Best Answer

New version is preparing and should be available on Google Play withing approximately two hours.

Issue finally found (partially) in eternal tool that optimize Locus code, before it is packed into installation APK file. This tool anyway in it's new version completely broke work with some images in application which caused various crashes. I'm really sorry for this.

I like, when there is some lesson from such fail, unfortunately here, it was quite common update of external library, like I did many times during last years. Locus was well tested on many devices before release and on all of them, worked without problem (confirmed by fact, that this is "only" serious issue).

Big sorry from my side, hope I do not caused you some problems during trip and mainly I hope that new version will work as expected!!

Replies (28)


Hello Thomas,

damn, nope, you are not the only one. I already have a error log, but it completely do not make sense. I read one a few places, that it may be incorrectly generated version, so I generated new version 3.10.1, but I already received information, that it has same problem.

May you please try to simply un-install Locus and install it again? Yes, your purchased license for Locus Pro is valid forever.

Thank you and sorry for a troubles!


puuuh, it works again, after de-install and fresh install.

I was able to produce a backup of all my data with the broken version (luckily that was one of the few functions still working)

I could import that backup data into the fresh install.

Everything fine now.

If there is any information you would need from my system for troubleshooting please let me know


I'm glad to hear it!!

Unfortunately, there is nothing you or anyone other may do. I already have log from crash and there is only very simple information: "Unable to load icon", and that is all. Also it does not make sense. If problem should be in Locus installation file, then re-install should not help in any case. Never saw something like this and worst it that I have absolutely no idea, what to do with it ...


Confirm observation update problem of Masterijn, only on phone GT-I8160 A 4.1.2 after update.

That same Android Icon. Could not deinstall because of "Device administrator" was set, but not available anymore in the general Android phone setting, so not possible to disable Device administrator Locus Pro.

Solved by installing old version 3.5.3. (apk). Than a new update and ok.

Reinstalling via old version probably also keeps all settings I think.


I had this too... locus homescreen icon showed up as greyed folder with SD in it.. app megacrash upon opening.. uninstalled and reinstalled.. restored backup.. everything back too normal, except homescreen icon was now green android guy.

Your late night small update fixed that icon issue :-)


Same exact thing here, Android logo for icon and extremely slow to the point of unusable. 3.10.0

Moto x 1st gen


Moto razr i XT890 (intel inside!)

Hi Menion,

I made 3 minutes video of the issue here

CZ Commentary:

Komentář k videu:

1:06 chybí ikona programu

1:35 po kliknutí na START se Locus zasekne (čekal jsem 5 minut a nic)

2:35 po klinutí na GPS se zobrazí neviditelná obrazovka GPS

2:42 po klikunutí jsem schopen vypnout zapnout GPS ..několikrát zopakováno pro názornost

3:15 to samé settings menu


Thank you for your video. This is crazy ...

I've reloaded/refreshed/cleaned everything I have found and generated another brand new version from same sources as 3.10.0 and 3.10.1

May you please try it as intallation over problematic version before? Thank you

EDIT: really stupid is, that I have currently five devices at home, and all works correctly!

Btw. may you create for me a log if new version will have same problems as previous? Thank you very much!


Thanks for the new version but I cant install it because it wont download libraries because of error 1111 So the installed new version won't start for me. First good sign is that the Locus Icon is present. Do you still want me to send you log if I install the current Google Play version?



Nono, thank you very much. Seems that Bucky Kid found quite useful info here . One purchased library I use, seems that destroyed some images in application. Do not understand why it works on some devices, but it is another story. On 99% it will be this problem, so I'm already trying to find a solution. Thanks for help!


I also had this big issue of complete non-responsive Locus app; I had it for Android 4.x and not for 5.x. I got that issue when upgrading to 3.10.0 yesterday. I got it fixed by removing and reinstalling plus restoring Locus Pro. I did not get the issue when upgrading to 3.10.1 though this morning. I did not report as I thought it was due to my 4.x phone being full to the brink. And at the same time, the same phone on 5.x worked without a flaw.


I used the beta 3.10.2 of the post above and installed it on 2 same phones, one with Android 4.1.2 and one with 5.1.1. The Android 5 one: no issue whatsoever, runs without a problem, did not ask for loading additional data. The Android 4 phone otoh did start and wanted to load 'additional data' and that failed for 3 times (error 1111) and then Locus started. I did not have that behaviour before or '1111'. Anyway, it all runs smooth now and does not show a problem with menus or icon.


Is here anyone who still have problem with latest version?

On Google Play I see many reports that Locus crash at start, these are anyway not usable. Anyone with version that starts, but works weird? Log should help here:

After that, you should try new version for test:, thanks. Issue 1111 just means that Locus is not yet uploaded to Google Play. Thanks for test.


[quote=menion]After that, you should try new version for test:[/quote]

That version also seems having broken structure, view it using WinZip or Winrar, I suppose the garbage in root causing all problems. AppIcon is not shown on this build.


Damn, what is it? It is not a garbage, it is my precious code :).


Ah so ;)


Hi Menion

I updated yesterday (Saturday) to 3.10.0 and it seems it was fine on both Samsung S4 mini (4.4) and Samsung Galaxy tab 2.0 7" (4.2).

Updated again this morning (Sunday) to 3.10.1. Worked fined on S4 but on the tablet Locus was crashing at start (no start screen, just crashed). I just un-installed and re-installed 3.10.1 from Play store. Seems to run for now except for the icon which is the Android robot.

Also my nighly backup schedule didn't worked during Sat to Sunday night (was 3.10.0). It didn't complete. ZIP is empty and left also a zip.tmp file of 0 bytes.

If you feel I could do provide any valuable info, let me know.

Best regards.


Icon is finally ok. Still running 3.10.1


Updated this morning with Ver 3.10.1. Still unusable, screen sat on map and tapping anything brought up a blank screen. Uninstalled and installed from the store and now it works great again .


3.10.0 and 3.10.1 crashed. 3.10.2 works first but navigation with Google crashed again. Mapquest works. More tests if high temperature is gone.




I also have lots of trouble with Locus Pro after recent update. I managed to get lots of functionality back by uninstalling and reinstalling Locus and all addons. Problem is that I cannot login to anymore. Both Locus and Locus Geocaching Addon present a login screen from, but login fails. I tried to revoke Live access to both from but no avail - seems like they don't get a Live token anymore. The error from is "Either our session has expired or your authorization credentials have failed". The user/password are ok, I have checked them many times. I'm using Samsung Galaxy S5, Android version is KitKat.


And now I did get it to work, all of a sudden! Seems very erratic, I did everything as before but this time I got access to

By the way, the icon problem is also quite random. When I did uninstall+install, the icon was still missing from Locus, only default "green android" icon shown. But after fiddling with the Locus settings for a while, suddenly the normal Locus icon was back!


I deinstalled Locus an installed it again on my 4.4.2 tab.

While downloading libraries at start I got

Error: 15

Moving the Locus directory away and reinstall didn't help.

I want my 3.9 Version back! Where can I download old versions?


New version is preparing and should be available on Google Play withing approximately two hours.

Issue finally found (partially) in eternal tool that optimize Locus code, before it is packed into installation APK file. This tool anyway in it's new version completely broke work with some images in application which caused various crashes. I'm really sorry for this.

I like, when there is some lesson from such fail, unfortunately here, it was quite common update of external library, like I did many times during last years. Locus was well tested on many devices before release and on all of them, worked without problem (confirmed by fact, that this is "only" serious issue).

Big sorry from my side, hope I do not caused you some problems during trip and mainly I hope that new version will work as expected!!


My Locus broke totally after the update (a day before a trip to Asia). I have installed it again (no new payment necessary) and it works well. All my offline maps and POIs are still there. Happy end after quite a shock!


Disable auto update in the play store especially before a trip


V 3.10.3 Succesfull update on 2 tablets and 2 phones.


3.10.3 seems to be fine. Thanks Menion.


Two positive comments, thanks guys!


Kudos to you and your team, Menion!

Great effort, great support.. allways ;-)


3.10.3 works fine for me, both on Android 4.x and on 5.x. Great we are back in business.


Latest Update works for me too.

thanks, Menion, for your hard work over this hot weekend.




Seems to work fine on both my S4 mini and Galaxy Tab 2.0.

On the tablet, on 1st run after the update, Locus asked for downloading additional datas. Didn't asked on the S4 mini...

Thanks a lot. Good work, bad week-end for you again...

All best.


Great job guys !

Works well on my S4.


A brand new Sony Xperia M4 Aqua with Lollipop. Still crashes hard on start (after the last screen of setup wizard closes and maps start loading). The phone doesn't yet have a SIM card but I'll test again after I have it.


Hi, this happen also with latest 3.10.3 version of Locus?

If so, I'll need a crash log right after crash:


Funny as things go: a friend walked in with a brand new Xperia M4 Aqua and we imm. installed Locus Free. It indeed crashes hard after each start. I linked the thing to ADB and dug this up in logcat:

07-07 21:38:49.046 E/SQLiteLog(21808): (28) file renamed while open: /storage/emulated/0/Locus/data/database/waypoints.db

07-07 21:38:49.052 E/SQLiteLog(21808): (1) no such table: main.waypoints

07-07 21:38:49.060 E/N (21808): doCoreInitLoadDataAtStart(o.K@2123afcd)

07-07 21:38:49.060 E/N (21808): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: main.waypoints (code 1): , while compiling: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS waypoints_id ON waypoints (_id)

And this goes on and on. Copying some more lines of the log:

07-07 21:38:49.268 E/SQLiteLog(21808): (28) file renamed while open: /storage/emulated/0/Locus/mapsOnline/MapQuest_Classic.sqlitedb

07-07 21:38:49.274 E/SQLiteLog(21808): (1) no such table: tiles

07-07 21:38:49.278 E/RC (21808): loadTile(1106, 693, 6)

07-07 21:38:49.278 E/RC (21808): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: tiles (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT s, image FROM tiles WHERE x=='1106' AND y=='693' AND z=='6'

Does this give a clue?

Oh, attached the whole logcat.


Ah thanks. Another Aqua. We received around five same errors. I have to disable support for this Sony device on Google Play. For unknown reason, Locus is not able to write to databases in internal memory! of this device. All attempts ends with these crashes.

So say sorry to your friend from me ...


Ah I completely missed post from "Some body", sorry. If you just purchased Locus and it do not work, feel free to send us on support email your order ID (email received from Google after purchase). We will refund your order, because here I have absolutely no solution ...


Ooch, that hurts. I totally agree that it is Sony that should do the fixing here then. On this particular device also the accelerometer was stuck (also shows up in the log) and therefore the phone does not 'flip' when turned 90 degree. Normally I am a fan of Sony, but it is eroding... Again thanks for the quick answer. Aqua case closed...


I would like to fix it if possible. Usually it is less work then answers on support "why it do not work". But what you wants to do, when whole Locus is made with SQLite databases in Locus directory (and not in private, secret, directory as apps usually have) and it cannot write into it, .. crazy :). Hope some update in Aqua fix this.


Had the same problem but works again w. last update on 3.10.3. Thanks!


Hi Menion,since recent updates I'm getting fc when I set Navigation data source to google,For my region google is most accurate choice ,so any idea how can i fix this ? And I added google by myself and it was working great in 3.9.3 .



Hello Vaykossil,

specifi problem = specific topic. So please create a new topic next time.

To your problem - I'm unable to simulate it. May you write me exact start and stop locations and type (car/bike/foot) you use?


Sorry for posting here,would you please take a look at this ?


Hmm very interesting. In this case, I'll need a log took by this method: . Thank you and sorry for a troubles.


Sorry couldn't take a log,nothing happen when I press "take bug report" button,also tried the last method But no luck,will try again later.

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