Computer / trip manager like in Garmin Edge series customizable data fields

pajaku shared this idea 13 years ago
Gathering feedback

Computer / trip manager like in Garmin Edge series customizable data fields (or not) but with fields like distant to next wpt, dist to destination, time to next wpt, time to end etc

Replies (3)



for last Locus version is in Locus Shop for download My Tracks skin for Custom screens (Locus feature, menu > functions > Custom screen)

is this similar screen to your request? These screens can be defined by your own (will little knowledge of Android layout xml system) so there should not be problem to define screens that fit your needs.

More information about Custom screens is here on forum

feedback on this topic is welcome (also confirmation from you Pajaku that this is possible solution of this idea)


Hello, I put some screens (on dev dolder) and more info tomorrow.


Finally I have some free time...

Garmin allows users customise generally any screen. I can diside how many "boxes" I will have on screen 2,3 or even 8. Then I can choose what would be showed in particular box: speed, time, stopper, altitude, slope etc. So it`s simply and very very customizable.

So I can add boxes to map view too like in "Simple screen" but instead of fixed for value I can deicide what I want to see.

I put some screen from Montanain _temp. BTW Montana is not best for that, because here is even easier in Edge series. In this Garmin I can change box by long tap... not via settings menu.

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