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Cycle navigation error

Maddin Mörtin shared this problem 12 years ago
Not a Problem

Hey, when i want use cycle navigation, i got an error "200 unable to calculate route" car navigation works fine. How can i fix it? Thanks!

Replies (4)


Hello Madding, I`m checking it for all three data providers (MapQuest, CloudMade, Yours) and it seems to work. May you please try it once more (if this wasn`t some temporary problems on providers server) and if you`ll still get same error, write me please exact start location, end location and provider, so I may simulate exact situation on my device. Thanks


Hello Menion,

yesterday I only tried MapQuest. Now I checked Your and CloudMade. The error comes only when I use MapQuest.

Start location: N 50°49.984` | E 10°57.785`

End location: N 50°50.491` | E 10°56.921`

I use Andriod 4.1.2 and Locus Pro 2.9.2



I`m checking it and you`re of course correct ... test this

it`s a link to open.mapquest web server that use same system as Locus. On their site, it`s possible to compute path between define places. So it looks on some problem in Locus. When I anyway check connection, server directly return this respond "Unable to calculate route".

So, I agree it`s a problem. I agree it`s not your business if this is on Locus or MapQuest side, but in this case, I`m not able to fix this. When you move second location for a few metres, it works correctly, so I hope they`ll soon update their server

I`m also checking developers site of mapQuest (I wanted to post this as an issue), but seems there is already quite a lot of similar reports


Po wybraniu jakiegoś punktu i kliknięciu "nawiguj" nie działa opcja

prowadzenia dla trasy "Szybko" i Krótko", odpowiedź serwera 200: unable

to calculate route. Dla tras "rower" i "pieszo" obliczenie trasy i

nawigacja działa poprawnie. Problem dotyczy zarówno wersji darmowej

aplikacji, jak i płatnej.

After selecting a point and click "Navigate"

does not work option running the route "Fast" and short "response from

the server 200: unable to calculate route. The route" bicycle "and" foot

"route calculation and navigation works correctly. The problem concerns

both free version of the application, as well as paid.


Have you verified the error is not the expected behavior for given start and destination pointa and the road access rules for give transportation mode ?

What routing engine has you Locus instance set in Configuration - Navigation option set ?

Can you provide a link for your intended route, e.g. at as the permalink at the very bottom right corner of the page.


1. W przypadku żródła wyznaczania trasy ustawionego na MapQuest - nie działa nawigacja dla opcji "szybko" i " krótko", odpowiedź serwera: 200 unable to calculate route. Dla opcji "rower" i "pieszo" - nawigacja działa poprawnie.

2. W przypadku żródła wyznaczania trasu ustawionego na Brouter - dla wszystkich opcji "szybko", 'krótko", "szybko rower", "rower" oraz "pieszo", dostaję komuniakt zwrotny datafile E15_N45.rd not found

3. W przypadku żródła wyznaczania trasu ustawionego na "Yours" dla opcji "szybko", "krótko", "szybko rower", "szybko" - nawigacja działa poprawnie, natomiast dla opcji "pieszo" - dostaję komunikat zwrotny "Serwer not ready to process request. Please train again later. Weź pod uwagę wybranie innego źródła informacji"

4. W przypadku żródła wyznaczania trasu ustawionego na OSRM - dla jedynej dostępnej opcji "szybko" dostaję komunikat zwrotny, że "Trasa nie może być przeliczona. Weź pod uwagę wybranie innego źródła nawigacji"

1. In the case of source routing set to MapQuest - Navigation does not work for the "fast" and "short" response from the server: 200 unable to calculate route. For the "bicycle" and "foot" - navigation works correctly.

2. In the case of determining the source trasu set to bridge router - all options "fast", "short", "fast bike", "bike" and "foot", I get komuniakt return datafile E15_N45.rd not found

3. In the case of determining the source trasu set to "Yours" for the "fast", "short", "fast bike", "fast" - navigation working, and for the "foot" - get a return message "Server not ready to process request. Please train again later. consider selecting another source of information "

4. In the case of determining the source trasu set to OSRM - the only option available "soon" get a return message that "the route will not be recalculated. Consider selecting another source of navigation"


You should be aware that routers may refute or fail to calculate routes, if there is no way for a car/bike/pedestrian to get from A to B via OSM ways with allowed access. E.g. if A or B is on a street with a traffic sign "no motor vehicles", or if the only physically possible way goes through such forbidden way, the routing will fail.

This was the reason I wanted to to provide the BRouter web "permalink" to analyze your particule route. As the Brouter web can very conveniently provide the access related OSM way data for possibilities of the route creation. Without it, it is hard to give any perticular advice, as it seems rather as a particular than general problem.

Another thing is, the routing service may have a technical problem the Locus has no influence on. Note that Locus itself has not routing ability, relying fully on the 3rd party online ( MQ, YOURS, OSRM ) or offline ( Brouter, Graphhopper ) services.

1 MQ - It seems the route is not possible for cars - need to be examinated - give a permlink.

2 BRouter - you have not provided for BRouter local service the routing data ( rd5 files ), downloadable from BRouter application or externally.

3. It seems YOURS may have specific temporary problems, perhaps busy.

4. OSRM may have general problems that Locus cannot fix.

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