Diffrence in altitude of Locus & web
Je me suis aperçu d'un écart de dénivelé entre l'enregistrement d'une trace sur Locus et cette même trace transférée sur le site internet randogps.net (thttp://www.randogps.net/randonnee-pedestre-gps-ain-1.php?num=155), 756m sur Locus et 626m sur le site(Ordonnaz-Calvaire de Porte).
De plus lors de l'enregistrement d'une trace(Le Crêt de Pont), j'ai contrôlé les dénivelés à la fin d'une randonnée, avant enregistrement:
descente -1316m pour -667m réel
montée1315m pour 665m réel
Merci pour vos réponses.
JP Maire
Dobrý den,
Všiml jsem si, výškový rozdíl mezi zápisu ochranné známky na stejné trati a Locus převedena na internetových stránkách randogps.net (thttp://www.randogps.net/randonnee-pedestre-gps-ain-1.php?num=155), 756m a 626m na Locus na místě (Ordonnaz-Calvaire de Porte).
Také během nahrávání stopy (Le Crêt de Pont), řízené jsem výškové rozdíly na konci túru před nahráváním:
-1316m Skutečný sestup do -667m
montée1315m 665m for real
Děkuji vám za vaše odpovědi.
JP Maire
try it in english please...
try it in english please...
I noticed a difference in altitude between the registration of a mark on the same track and Locus transferred on the website randogps.net (thttp: //http://www.randogps.net/randonnee-pedestre-gps-ain -1.php? num = 155), 756m and 626m on Locus on the site (Ordonnaz Calvary door).
Also during the recording of a track (Le Cret Bridge), I checked the elevation changes at the end of a hike before recording:
-1316m real descent to -667m
montée1315m 665m for real
Thank you for your answers.
JP Maire
I noticed a difference in altitude between the registration of a mark on the same track and Locus transferred on the website randogps.net (thttp: //http://www.randogps.net/randonnee-pedestre-gps-ain -1.php? num = 155), 756m and 626m on Locus on the site (Ordonnaz Calvary door).
Also during the recording of a track (Le Cret Bridge), I checked the elevation changes at the end of a hike before recording:
-1316m real descent to -667m
montée1315m 665m for real
Thank you for your answers.
JP Maire
I send you the track because I'm not on it are gone by the website
Best reguard.
JP maire
I send you the track because I'm not on it are gone by the website
Best reguard.
JP maire
Locus use your hardware(!) for the altitude values. So, bad values from hardware = bad values in Locus.
I see your track on http://www.randogps.net/randonnee-pedestre-gps-ain-1.php?num=155
but i'm not able to download. If you have your own recorded track - please attach this file here. (Allowed file extension: *.zip (!))
Locus use your hardware(!) for the altitude values. So, bad values from hardware = bad values in Locus.
I see your track on http://www.randogps.net/randonnee-pedestre-gps-ain-1.php?num=155
but i'm not able to download. If you have your own recorded track - please attach this file here. (Allowed file extension: *.zip (!))
Sorry because I'm not seen that it's necessary to send a *ZIP file
Best reguard.
Sorry because I'm not seen that it's necessary to send a *ZIP file
Best reguard.
it looks like Randogps imports just lat/lon values from Locus and places its own elevation values to it (based on some 3D landscape model). That's why there are differences in elevation gain calculation.
it looks like Randogps imports just lat/lon values from Locus and places its own elevation values to it (based on some 3D landscape model). That's why there are differences in elevation gain calculation.
Hello Maire
I don't know why your smartphone hardware (gps) gives you the bad values.
but you can try to correct it.
see attachmend.
Hello Maire
I don't know why your smartphone hardware (gps) gives you the bad values.
but you can try to correct it.
see attachmend.
J'ai un samsung S5.
J'ai appliqué votre procédure pour corriger l'altitude sur les randonnées celle ci fonctionne correctement.
A quoi correspond" fill elevation".
Merci pour tout.
I've a Samsung S5.
I applied your procedure to correct the height on the hikes that this works correctly.
To what corresponds " fill elevation ".
Thank you for everything.
Best reguard
Maire JP
J'ai un samsung S5.
J'ai appliqué votre procédure pour corriger l'altitude sur les randonnées celle ci fonctionne correctement.
A quoi correspond" fill elevation".
Merci pour tout.
I've a Samsung S5.
I applied your procedure to correct the height on the hikes that this works correctly.
To what corresponds " fill elevation ".
Thank you for everything.
Best reguard
Maire JP
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